Saturday, September 28, 2013

Wondering about some strange stories.

Most of us go through life living in a world made up of solids, liquids, and gasses.  Atoms group together and made molecules that group together to make the gasses.  Some go even further to make the liquids and the solids.  But then there is the super-natural world.  That world is visited by some a lot more than by others.  I, for one, don't get to visit that place much, but I do know people who do or have.  But, I am getting off the track.

What first comes to your minds when you think of super natural things is ghosts?  Would it be ole Casper, who I wrote a blog posting about awhile back?

No, I mean real ghosts or poltergeists.  Actually I mean ghost.  A poltergeist is is neither a ghost nor a haunting.  They are caused by the unconscious mind of a living person, usually under some kind of stress.  Where as a ghost is the spirit of a person supposedly caught between this plane of existence and the next.  They are suppose to be intelligent beings that are quite capable of interacting with the living.
I found this picture in my Ripley's Believe It or Not book.  I also found the same picture on the Internet.  It was easier to copy the one from the Internet than go to the trouble of scanning a page of book.  This photograph of Mary Todd Lincoln was taken many years after Abraham Lincoln's death.  So who is that standing behind her? 
I suppose the photographer could have tampered with the picture.  It would have been a lot harder way back then before Photo-Shop was in existence.  I did a recent blog about seeing images of faces in wall paper designs but this picture goes a little further than that.  Part of the image spills over onto Mary Todd's shoulders.
OK, I will leave it up to you all.  What do you think?  Is it fake or is it real?  I tend to lean toward the fake side but I better be careful, Old Abe never lied and he just may come visit me to make sure I know it was him in truth. . . So, if you don't hear from me tomorrow, I may still be in shock, or still running , or even worse (grin).  Now don't you have too spooky a day but enjoy the first day of this weekend, you hear?


  1. Spooks? and ghosts? Where are you going with this, DD? Sounds like Halloween to me,,,hahahaha.

    1. Guess I should have saved it for halloween. Now I will have to come up with one that is more spooky than this one, right?

  2. I've never seen that photo before... kind of spooky. I'd tend to think it's fake. Not too far from where I'm at in Ohio there are 5 cemeteries that if you look at them on a Google map, you can draw a pentagram connecting them. They are said to have supernatural happenings and I've heard that cults occasionally sacrifice goats or something. But... there are so many little family cemeteries in this county, I don't think it would be too hard to find 5 that form a pentagram. Guess it's all in what you want to believe.

    1. I just wonder if all these super natural things are suppose to be happening, why don't more people see them and take more pictures? I try to keep an open mind, but . . . . Show me the proof.

  3. Howdy DD,
    I have a friend who PHOTOGRAPHS GHOSTS.... She wrote a book about several 'haunted' cemeteries in Loozianna WITH PICS in it... Herhusband, an old cowboy/rancher, tough as nails went on the trip with her... Jerry don't believe in NO GHOSTS... UNTIL, they were in a cemetery, it was about 100* and he walked THROUGH AN ICEY SPOT, that's all it was, WAS A SPOT... When she developed the pic where he was standing was a BLUE COLORED SPOT, on the pic... He don't know what it was, but it was ICE-COLD... ON A 100* DAY... The pic's in the book...
    Hope today's a HAPPY DAY and you don't run through no ICECOLD SPOTS...

    1. Is that book available now, and if so, where could I get a copy? I sure would like to see some proof. See my comment above.

  4. There were a lot of double exposure photo tricks done back in the day.

    Of course, that doesn't mean ghosts are not real, even if some pics are fake.

    1. As I said in my post, I doubted that it was real. But like you said, we don't know for sure.

  5. A couple who had a shop two doors down from mine ... went to cemeteries to photograph ghosts 'round midnght... wanted to know if I'd like to go sometime... nah

    don't not believe in much ... anything is possible and I've said many many times ... I know nothing ... but it's all fun to hear and read...

  6. Now if ghosts were a little more helpful they would show themselves in the daylight when we are all awake. That way, more people would see them (grin). I am a little too old to spend the night in a damp cemetery, at least not until after I crock. . .
