Sunday, September 22, 2013

Wondering about a good read.

Finding time to read is a little hard in my busy life of sitting on the couch, petting my dogs, watching TV,  writing and reading blogs, playing computer games, going to the post office, and trying to work in at least three meals a day.  Then every now and then we have to go get supplies and, of course a visit or two a week to the flea market, mainly to visit with people we have met there and, of course, maybe find a treasure or at least something useful.  So, I take time just after I crawl into bed to read a book.

The book I choose to read has all kinds of story plots, from love stories, to war stories, to murder, to adultery, to hate, to adventure, etc. with many different charactors, from leaders, to followers, to kings, to paupers, to families, to homosexuals, to the rich, and to the poor.  It has just about any love or adventure story in it that you could want.  But most of all, it is a guide, a road map to life and death and faith.  This book, of course, is the Bible.

The Bible is the most sold book in history with over  2.5 billion copies printed.  Now, I wonder if it is the most read?  Let's hope so.  I have read it over and over and over many times and each time I discover something new.  My favorite way of reading it is one night I read out of the old testiment and the next night I read out of the new testiment.  It is surprising just how many times something I read the night before in the one fits perfectly with what I read the next night in the other.  No matter what your preference is in reading material, you will find it somewhere in the Bible.

Some people worship on Saturday, the saboth, while others worship on Sunday, the first day of the week when Jesus rose from the grave.  I don't believe that the day is important.  We should live every day as if it were your last day on this earth, and one of these days, it will be.  Have a great Sunday and feel free to worship any way and any day you want to and have a great day taday, you hear?


  1. I think just about everyone has read the bible or parts of it, at some point in their life but not everyone adheres to it. You're right in saying that it covers all kinds of plots and that's what makes it so fascinating.

    As for the worship days, the bible clearly tells us about not esteeming one day above another but everyone should be persuaded in their own mind, so I guess that means you can choose the day you prefer, no probs.

    Well, enjoy the rest of what this Sunday has to offer you Dizzy-Dick.

    1. Most have read some and some have read all. I have read it multiple times. You are correct about not esteeming one day above another. Glad you added that, I was going to put it in my blog but got in a hurry and forgot.

  2. I like the way you think, my friend! Have a great day!

    1. Thanks, some don't like the way I think, but at my age, I don't care!! And you have a great day, also.

  3. We don't know exactly when the books of the Bible were written, but we can, through cross-referencing external sources, determine when the historical figures in the Bible lived. Either way, the common consensus is that the writing of the books of the Bible began some time after 1500 BC, and concluded prior to 100 AD. This would be a period of about 1600 years.

    1. Those dates sound to be in the correct period. 1600 years is a long period in history to cover but it would have to be a long time for all to have taken place.

  4. I agree with you about many things... I don't think I'm a "religious" person, but you voiced some of my own thoughts with this blog. It's funny about reading the bible... I loved Vacation Bible School as a little kid... learned more about the Bible stories back then than all of the readings and gospels I've heard since. My mom didn't care what church we went to as long as we went... so I went to all kinds of denominational vacation bible schools... loved it!

    1. Church was a big part of my live growing up and for the first part of my adulthood. I must admit to not attending any at this time. I will have to correct that.

  5. Great book for sure, along with your good message today.

  6. When you need some powdersmoke and sage brush, give William Johnstone a try.(esp his last mt. man series). I have a feeling you will like them!

    1. Wow, he wrote a lot of books and yes, I would like them.

  7. I know you probably don't do Facebook but I just posted a picture of a cup of Coconut Pouchong Oolong Tea and a very Good Book I'm reading :) I enjoy your blog.

    1. I don't know how to find people and navigate around facebook. I guess I a just too old.

  8. I recently bought a car and a Bible was in the glove compartment. The dealership only sells cars that are 1 to 3 years old, sticker price below Kelly Bluebook, no haggle and the salespeople do not work on commission. It is a huge hit! FYI, my favorite Bible story is Old Testament-- Joseph. What a great story!

    1. What a wonderful place to buy a car. I am sure word gets around and they get all the business they can handle. And yes, the stoy of Joseph, and it had a happy ending.
