Monday, August 5, 2013

Wondering what my wife found at the flea market.

Yesterday, I told you what I found at the flea market.  To be fair, I suppose I should also show you what my wife got.  My wife used to collect dolls.  At one time I would conservatively estimate her collection way over a thousand.  One day, she just loaded them all up and took them to a resale shop and practically gave them away.  Every now and then, she buys herself another doll or two at garage and yard sells or at the flea market.  Yesterday, she found a couple she liked at the flea market.

First, let me show you a few that she has found lately:

Then yesterday, she found these two.

I don't know what they are called or if they do anything.  There is a place for a battery, so they must talk or something.  I am more than a little ignorant when it comes to dolls of all kinds.  My lovely wife is the only doll I need.  So now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. My Mom used to teach doll making, but they were porcelain. I don't recognize the face on these at all!

    I'll see if Mom knows anything about them!

    1. My wife says that they are Bratz, and they don't make them anymore.

  2. Never saw those before. A woman here, had to build an extra room onto her house just for her dolls.

  3. "My lovely wife is the only doll I need." that is so sexy, Dizzy...

    I had a Sparkle Plenty doll when I was little girl... you remember her? not too many do, I betcha...

    She was the first doll to have a non cloth body. dang, I'm old... also hair I could brush.

    my favorite dolls were paper. I LOVED paper dolls. oh, which brings to mind ... the Mills Brothers... oh, lord off to YOutube ... a paper doll to call my own... a flirty..oh, what it is... rats

    oh, here it is! what fun...

    1. My wife said that she also had a Sparkle Plenty doll when she was a little girl and that it turned brown and her Mom threw it away.

    2. Yes! so did mine! and Mother wanted to... I cried and cried... loved Sparkle Plenty... so, she didn't. what fun to have someone remember her .. ha

  4. Now... wasn't Sparkle the daughter of B.O. Plenty and Gravel Gertie? (guess that's not socially correct these days, huh?)... who were "characters" (in more ways than one) in the Dick Tracy (and Sam Ketchum) comic strip? I'm jealous that I never had a Sparkle Plenty doll. I've never seen those Bratz... guess I missed out on that, too.

    1. The Odd Easy, my wife says she knew about all those and that one company sued another because they both made the same doll. I have no idea about all there is to know about dolls. They just ain't my thing. . .

  5. As long as she has you to worship her, she has all any woman could want or need....oh, and the dolls too.

    1. Since I workded from my home, we have been together day and night for many years. So far, we haven't gotten tired of each other.
