Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Wondering about bead art.

My wife received an email that had a link to a site where a lady decorated most everything with beads.  I guess when she got started she just couldn't quit.  So, I bet you are thinking that she just covered a purse or a piece of clothing or something else small.  No, she liked to cover things a little bigger than that.  Here is a picture of her kitchen covered with beads:

And a close-up of just the sink:

I think that lady had way too much time on her hands.  My wife thinks that she suffers from OCD or Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
Her art is really pretty and fascinating but maybe she should get a life (grin).  Oh yeah, beading IS her life!!  There are different places on the Internet where you can see some of her work.  These pictures came from http://www.elledecor.com/culture/handcrafted-universe-a-69053.  If you go to that site, click on the button for "slide show" and you will see a lot more of her art work.
I suppose that most of us have some sort of OCD if we really wanted to admit it.  Now don't you all run out and purchase a couple of truck loads of beads and start covering everything in site, but just relax and have a great day, you hear?


  1. Wish I had someone like her when I had my bead shop! what fun...

    1. One customer like her would have made you rich.

  2. I had to ceremoniously tap my forehead three times, stare at the ceiling twice, before I could start typing this comment.

    Most interesting. If you can't beads em' join em'.

    A good day to you, kind sir.


  3. I wonder if she goes to Quartzsite bead shopping with a truck?
    Way too much time....

  4. I'm eye-ing that bag of Lay's Potato Chips on the kitchen counter and, to use your line, kinda makes me wonder. What does a beaded chip taste like? ;-)

  5. Looks like someone's hobby got out of hand. It happens.

  6. Gary, "if you can't beads em' join em'". I got a good laugh out of that comment. I guess you had to tap your head three times to get that worded right.

    Rob, I have been to Arizona several times, but never to Quartzsite. Been real close, but that don't count.

    The Odd Essay, a beaded chip would tickle your taste beads. Whoops, I mean taste buds.

    Sixbears, I have to agree with you, since my wife also said that she makes beaded grass for the yard.

  7. I'm not fond of all that beading, but I've seen other hobbies get to be a little too much also. I wonder how she is seeing the results of her work - probably not like the majority of us do.

    1. That is not a functiional kitchen for sure. Why anyone would do all that is beyond me.

  8. I just had THE BEST IDEA EVER!! Buy your darling some beads and let her braid and bead your beard!! David Allan Coe has been doing it for years!!! You'd be "HIP"!
