Saturday, August 3, 2013

Wandering to Huntsville.

Two days ago, on our anniversary, the wife and I took a ride.  I figured to celebrate the day, we needed an "outing".  Since I wanted to find the location of a place located in Huntsville, Texas, that I want to go to later this month, she suggested to take a ride up there.  From my place it is about 35 to 40 miles one way.  A nice ride through the piny woods.  Going up we took interstate 45 but coming back we took route 75 which runs parallel to the interstate but has a little different scenery.

I suppose the main attraction going north on I-45 is the large statue of Sam Houston.  It is a total of 77 feet tall and can be seen for a long way before you get to him.  We took some pictures of him as we passed by:

And here is one just as we were passing by.  To get an idea of just how tall he is, compare him to the two people standing at the lower right of the picture.  They seem to be admiring him:

Huntsville is known for a lot of things (like its colleges and the nearby State Park), but I suppose the first thing that comes to mind is the large prison that is there.  That prison is where all of the executions are carried out in Texas.  So, I guess it wasn't too surprising to see this fellow who is part of a small crew working along the side of the road.

He wasn't moving too fast, but I don't blaim him with the temperature up around the century mark and the high humidity, just laying around would be too much excertion for me if I had no AC, but I bet he is glad to get our of his cell and out in the open for a change.

Don't forget that you can pick on the pictures to enlarge them.  So, all of you stay out of trouble so that I will not see you in the gang working along the road in the heat and have a great day, you hear?


  1. You mean we're taking a trip in the motor home?

    1. No, it was in the Jeep. I have a problem that needs solved before any motor home trip.

    2. I know, but thot you might be doing a recon.

  2. I still remember when they were building that statue. I have never stopped at it.

    1. I have never stopped at it either. Guess it is too close to my home. If it was a thousand miles away I would have stopped, but when it is close I keep saying I can stop anytime, but never do.

  3. That's a big statue! Old Sam was born about 50 miles from here in Rockbridge County. I use to pull off the road and eat lunch at the historical marker beside the (long gone) cabin on the hill.

    1. I didn't know that. I guess Virginia and Texas has a lot in common.

  4. Replies
    1. Thanks Carolyn, it doesn't seem all that long ago we were kids dating in highschool
