Sunday, July 28, 2013

Wondering about working moms.

There are a lot of good reasons for a mother of young children to need to work.  Probably the biggest is reason is if she does not have a husband.  Maybe he died, or left them, or was incarcerated, or for some other reason.  Being a single mom would not be easy.

There is a day care center close to my home and they are very, very busy.  I guess I am old fashioned but I believe that a child's parents are the ones that should raise him or her.  The first five or six years are when the bond between both parents and the child is cemented.  When we first got married, my wife worked, then when she was expecting our first child, she quite and has never went back to being employed again.  She raised both our sons and took great care of me.  We sure were not rich but we got by and now that I look back on that time, it was really great and I believe that we both were happy.

Many will not agree with me, and I know that I should not judge people.  Like I said at the beginning, there are a lot of good reasons that a mother must work, but if it is not a necessity and just to have more stuff and to live in a fancier house or have a fancy car or to keep up with the Joneses or . . . etc, I don't believe they should do it.  I know that a lot of you ladies out there have raised a family and had a working career.  Some can handle it just fine and some rely way too much on others to raise their family for them.  Now, have a great Sunday, you hear?


  1. My Dad stayed home with my siblings and me and my Mom worked. He was probably one of the first "stay at home dads" because this was in the 1940's. Guess it's whatever works....

    1. There is nothing wrong with that. He was one of your parents, unlike what you would have had in day-care. You know, to think about it, I am not sure if there were any day-cares way back when I was pre-school age. In fact, there was no kindergarten back then, either. Ooops, I guess I am giving away my age,

  2. And that's the exact reason wimmins joined the work force. When I was a kid, wimmins were expected to remain lock up in the house prepar'n food for the family, wash'n clothes, sweep'n an' mop'n, feed'n the "man's" pets,warsh'n an' iron'n his clothes....take'n care of the kids. That was their job an' that what they was expected to do. Boy howdy "us men" had us some slaves didn't we?

    I'm with the wimmins on this one. But then, I always did like wimmins.

    1. You sure are right, B.B. BTW, I always did like wimmins, too.

  3. My lovely wife took a number of years off when the kids were little. Once they went to school, she tried to go back to work. It was very hard to get back in the profession she trained for and had degrees in. (medical lab tech) Finally, she took a part time job in retail. A Dr. saw her working the cash and asked what she was doing there. She said the Hospital won't hire her. After he talked to the administration, she got her old job back. He had liked her work.

    1. Good for her taking off a couple of years. It was great that she got her old job back which she liked. Best of both worlds.

  4. My best friend is divorced from a real winner of a guy so she has to work. But she took a low paying job in the school system (she has a master's degree - but no teaching certificate) just so she could have the same schedule as her kids. The money has been a huge sacrifice but ti was more than made up for in time with her kids.

    1. I would say she did the right thing. Time with your chilren is precious. If you don't spend time with them it is something you will loose for ever.

  5. All this makes me think, gonna do a blog on that, sooo,,,check it out later.

    1. OK, I will. I am sure you will do a better job than I did.

  6. I stayed home with kids for 12 years, then went back to work out of financial necessity - not luxuries, by any means. That was the first time in 12 years I had anyone tell me, "Good job, Marty". I agonized over going back, but I was going stark raving mad at home trying to keep up with all the domestic stuff and a husband who was never there if he could help it. Women have many reasons to work as well as to stay home. It's their decision completely.

    1. I have to agree with you. Once the kids are old enough for school, why not go back to work?

  7. What fun is this, Dizzy. I have seen your comments on several blogs I read and wanted to come visit. I've read the last three posts and want to read more.

    Agreeing or disagreeing is irrelevant... you speak your mind and deal with the consequences with respect. hey hey ;)

    And for my input.... choice is the key. Women and men should have choices based on their desires not societal judgments.

    Love the drunk ... wear your pants backwards .. HAHaaaa...

  8. I come from a different background than your other readers. My roots are Mexican-American and in the 40's when my parents were married any respectable Mexican man would never dream of having his wife work. It was a no made it look like he could not support his wife or family.

    Likewise a Mexican woman would never tolerate to go to work to support a husband and a family. Her job was to stay home, raise her family and look after her husband.

    While my mother worked all her single life, she never worked after she got married and I thank her for that because I always came home to a warm hug, a clean house and a homemade meal.

  9. Carolyn, I remember that day like it was yesterday. That old drunk make a lot of deep comments and statements to who ever would listen, and I would listen.

    MsB, I don't come from your background but though out my family's history, none of the mothers worked when they had children. And most didn't work at all. I would not let my wife continue to work after we got married. At first, she didn't like that.
