Thursday, July 18, 2013

Wondering about reality.

I watched a show last night about reality hosted by Morgan Freeman.  He is a wonderful narrator and a tall, impressive man but soft spoken and easy to listen to.  I don't know when the TV show was filmed but I believe it was fairly recent.  The show is "Through the Worm Hole" and if nothing else, it will make you think.

Last night's toppic was reality.  What is real and what isn't?  Now, that would seem pretty straight forward, right?  Wrong!!  That question is really hard to answer especially if you delve into quantum physics.  You know, where a particle can be in two places at one time!!  And particles and things act differently when observed than when not, something like the way people act (grin).

So, what is real and what is not?  What is solid and what is but an illusion?  These questions are just too deep for me to answer this early in the morning (grin).  Phew, got out of that easy enough. . .  There are a lot of things we could think up to answer that question.  It just may come down to the fact that nothing is real.  We may just be a figment of the Creator's imagination.  Now, you all have a real (or imagined) great day now, you hear?


  1. Jill, Some things are just beyound my grasp.

    Trouble, If I am real, then it is what I say. . .

  2. Reality? Built it myself in my garage, and I don't even have a garage!

    1. The whole country is your garage, right? Anywhere you decide to park.

  3. The science shows hosted by Morgan Freeman, and anything with Neil Degrasse Tyson are my favorites and I miss them the most without TV. There is too much unknown for us to think we have the answers to anything. I believe anything is possibly true and also that it is all possibly a figment of our imagination. Sometimes it's good to not have all the answers.

    1. Don't tell anyone, but I sure don't have all the answers, in fact, I have very few answers except "yes mam" or "yes dear".

  4. Sorta boggles the mind, doesn't it?

    1. HJ, there is a lot of stuff that boggles my mind. Some things are beyond comprehension and our brains just can't grasp the enormity of our universe and what may lay beyound it.

  5. I watched that special about two years ago. If our world continues to exist with people of intelligence still allowed to investigate, the things that will one day be discovered boggles my mind. Of course I won't be here to learn of these wonders. I just can't imagine much more progress continuing though, at the rate we're being destroyed from within.

    1. I know what you mean but as long as a few inquiring minds survive, there will be hope.
