Monday, July 22, 2013

Wondering about our electronic age dogs.

We have three dogs left and two of them are getting up in years.  The two females (one is the oldest dog and the other is the youngest, the male is in between) are into this electronic age; the male, not so much.  The youngest one spends a lot of her leisure time watching the monitor which is connected to our outside security cameras.  She alerts the others to any stray dogs (or other animals) that may pass by.  They all watch it when we leave the house.  My wife was outside yesterday and they kept close track of where she was and when they saw her come up the steps to the deck, they all ran to the door to greet her.

Our oldest one watches TV.  We haven't as yet caught up with the new style digital TVs, but just have an old 32 inch cathode ray tube type that weighs a ton or two.  I have read where it stated that dogs can't see that type of TV because most of them need about 70 images per second to see a continuous film but we humans only need about 16 to 20.  All my TVs are of the old style as is the security monitor.  Both the females watch the monitor and only the oldest one watches the TV and barks at other dogs, but not other animals, when seen on the TV.  This proves that she sees it as a moving film and recognizes what it is showing.

As I said above, my wife walked outside early last evening and the female pups ran to watch her in the monitor.  They seem to know exactly what they are seeing on it and where it is that the views are coming from.  How do I know this?  Well, last night they watched my wife on the monitor go outside, turn left and walk out of site.  They ran to the sliding glass doors on the rear of the house to meet her there instead of the door that she went out of.  Animals are more intelligent than we generally give them credit for, except maybe our male.  But like most boys, he only has one thing on his mind. . . , well, maybe two things.  The second is food.  So have a great day and hope our dogs see you all in our monitor some day, you hear.


  1. Don't have to tell me animals are smart. Know my cats could think, even plan. They did the same thing as your dogs, would run from one room to the next to watch something outside when it moved around the house.

  2. I cain't really say how smart critters are when they watch Tv an' such. But they know the "hand that feeds them" to the sliding door....say'n "bacon, bacon, bacon".

    I had me a cat named Webster. Bout the dumbest cat I ever see. He would sit an' watch TV all day if'n it was on. Cock his head back an' forth, reach out his paw an' smak the screen. He would sleep in front the tv wait'n for somebody to turn it on. Crazy cat!!!

  3. Trouble, and they know how to get attention, too.

    B.B., A lot of animals are really smart, some smarter than humans. . some times.

  4. My dog is my security monitor. She hears things a long way off. Guess I'm still not in the electronic age all that much.

  5. Sixbears, it is amazing how much farther dogs can hear things that we can't.

  6. My cats were intelligent all they needed to do was talk.

    I have only had one dog in my life. I took him to dog obedience school and even the trainer could not get him to do anything right...he was pretty dumb but I loved him just the same.

  7. MsB, animals are like people, some are really bright and some the bulb burned out.

  8. My dog Bella loves to watch TV there are certain programs that she will sit and watch.I always leave the TV on when I leave the house.
