Friday, July 5, 2013

Wonder if they got a bang for their buck.

I guess around here it is a contest to see who gets the biggest bang for his buck. . . literally!!  It sounded like I was surrounded by world war three or maybe all the neighbors were fighting off alien invaders before they could land.  I don't think that last night or New Years Eve would be a good time for a friendly visit from some advanced civilization.  They would think that they were under attack and fire back.  I live on a twelve acre parcel of land and there is a forty acre field in front of my place, so I do not have any real close neighbors.  Up until last night, I had forgot just how many people live around my place and all of them must have a lot of money to burn blow up by spending it on fireworks.  If I had all the money that was blown up last night I could retire. . . wait a minute, I am retired!!  I have to admit that some of them were quite beautiful.  I walked outside and up my driveway a ways and watched a couple or so go off in the sky.  Almost looked professional.

If it were not for my oldest dog, I would not be bothered by them.  But, she shakes so bad and then pants real hard I get worried that her heart can't take take it.  I took her into the bedroom and tried to get her settled down but she made the bed shake like a vibrating bed and she kept feeding it quarters (grin).  My cousin told me that he was told by people that have tried the Thunder shirts for dogs, that they really do not work.  I would think a pair of stereo ear phones playing "how much is that doggie in the window" would work a lot better.  Dang, maybe I ought to market that idea. . . Nah, that would take too much work.  Of course I have been tempted to purchase thousands of dollars worth of the loudest fireworks I can find and put them off early in the mornings of July 5th and January 1st.  That thought keeps me going (grin).  Now, have a great fifth. . . no, not the bottle, the day, you hear?


  1. Here in old Virginia buying fireworks is really a waste of money, good stuff is agin the law. We bought some, lit them up, stood back and were amazed. What was that???!!! I 've seen more dazzling displays on birthday cakes! Your little dog wouldn't bat an eyelid, just sit there and yawn.

  2. I remember a time when I liked to watch fireworks but now the thrill is gone and I couldn't be bothered. Plus I don't like the noise.

  3. Too many NUT cases in Odessa were shooting off guns and not fireworks. Sure makes a person feel uneasy! I've had slugs drop next to me before and didn't like it at all.

  4. Jimkabob, Kind of a watered down version. Yep, my pup would much prefere a psssst than a boom.

    Gypsy, I am with you. Saw my share in my life. Probably the best was a Canadian-USA show set off on a barge in the bordering river between Detroit and Canada.

    David, that may be the case everywhere that rednecks live. I have done the same thing when younger.

  5. A number of cottages on the lake always put on a show. Heck, they were doing that long before fireworks were legal in NH. Now that they are legal, the explosions go on all week. My dog doesn't like them, but at least she's not a trembling mess. She finds a quiet place and hunkers down for the duration.

  6. I had a couple of Beagles that we hunted with when I was young and lived at home. They were great dogs and since they were use to guns being fired near them, they were not at all gun shy. Isn't your dog a beable? I don't know if it is bred into them not be afraid of guns or if it is taught. Glad your pup made it thourh the noise.

  7. It was awful here, this year they started earlier in the day than usual. I went to water the trees and weeds just in case but the smell to gun powder was too strong and I could not stand it so ended up going inside.

    I did have the hoses ready just in case one came down in our property. The madness did not end till close to 2:00 a.m. I felt so sorry for all the outside doggies and my poor Walter :(

  8. Glad you and the dogs made it through the fireworks. My neighbors were quiet this year. We had a few loud booms but not near the usual. Most of them must have gone away for the holiday. Enjoyed seeing your wife's artwork on the last post.

  9. MsB, Old people like me and most animals don't like them. And, I suppose, it could bring back memories of war.

    Jill, you lucked out this year so far but maybe they will be home for New Years Eve and then they don't really get started until midnight and that is way past my bedtime, holiday or not.

  10. I saw something about a vest type thing for dogs,,,called a thunder?? something for dogs that cant stand loud noises... thot of yours. Have them at pet stores, etc.
