Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Wondering about allergies.

Do you have any allergies?  I used to but not so much any more, except for one huge allergy.  I am allergic to work (grin).  Some people believe that one way or another, allergies are the root of all illnesses.  I am not so sure about that, in fact I think that statement isn't quite correct.  It is the cause of a lot of illness but not all, unless you think that you are allergic to the germs that cause some disease or the toxins in a rattle snake bite or the botulism in the bad fish you consumed.  Which is it?  Did you know that some people are really allergic to water?  Yep, it is called aquagenic urticaria.  If you got that, better carry an umbrella all the time and try to never sweat. . .

My wife asked me yesterday what the date was.  I told her it was June 25th and it was half way to and half way from Christmas, depending on how you look at it.  So let me either be real late or real early to wish you a Merry Christmas.  Now kids, yep you still have a long wait for Santa, but try to have a good day today anyway, you hear?


  1. Have you noticed that the guy writing this blog looks like Santa Claus? Maybe he summers in Texas to thaw out from winters at the North Pole.

  2. For some reason this year hay is bothering me. It's hay cutting season and my eyes and nose know it! Anything to do with winter is off my radar, still getting over last winter!--I hope Santa is in the tropics right now.

  3. I was more glad to start seeing shorter days,,,

  4. I get allergic reactions to some plants during the growing season, especially flowering trees. Lately I've been sneezing a lot but don't have any other allergy-type symptoms. You need to write a blog wondering about sneezing! And here is a question for you: Why do you close your eyes when you sneeze?

  5. Jimkabob, he ran back to the north pole when I threatened to eat all his raindeer. You know how much I love venison.

    Jill, Now that must be real "hay" fever if hay cutting bothers you. Of course cutting hay also kicks up a lot of dust, too.

    Trouble, they may be shorter but they sure are hotter. Gonna be in the tripple digits through the end of this week.

    Gypsy, first of all, not everyone closes their eyes when they sneeze, but most do. There is no scientific reason for us to close our eyes when we sneeze. It is an automatic reaction in most people similar to a knee jerking when tapped, etc. There must have been a reason way back when. . .

    1. I've heard that it's an automatic thing, and that you can't keep your eyes open when you sneeze. your eyes close to keep your eyeballs from falling out. Sounds logical to me.

    2. Muscles hold the eye in place. It would take a mighty hard force to knock them out but it does happen in accadents.

  6. Interesting thoughts... because I'm too frugal (cheap?) to find out exactly what I'm allergic to, I just take over-the-counter zyrtex (can't even spell it) to control my sneezies and wheezies. But you mention snake bites... I had a copperhead bite me on my hand many years ago and my immune system is still screwed up from that...... The only food allergy I know I have is scallops.... and boy! does that make me mad! It's kinda interesting what our bodies react to and why. I sure don't have the answer....

    1. My wife was bit by a copperhead one evening and I told her she should go to bed and if she died during the night we would know I should have taken her to the hospital like she wanted. She lived but she has never let me forget that night.

    2. Did they give her the anti-venom shot? I didn't have that... but was given something for pain... had an allergic reaction and about kicked off from that. Was hospitalized for 4 days... when I went home Bill had to bring sweats etc ... I was so huge I looked like the Pillsbury doughboy... took a long time to get the fluid out. If I'd been your wife I bet I wouldn't have forgiven you yet! I thought I was going to die!!!!

  7. The Odd Essay, I never took her to the doctors, so, no, she didn't get any shots or anything. That was why she was upset with me. (but I did watch her closely for bad adverse reactions).

  8. Dizzy you are lucky she did not divorce you...I would have!!

  9. MsB, snakes do not always inject the full amount of venom and as I said above, I watched her closely for any adverse reactions. If you are going to be bitten by a poisonous snake, the copper head is the best choice.
