Friday, June 21, 2013

It happened at 12:04 A.M.

It happened at 12:04 A.M. here in East Texas!!  And I survived, at least, so far.  It comes around here once every year about this time.  It will cause extra expense, maybe some suffering, and maybe some fun.  Don't get in a sweat over it. . . OK, maybe you will get in a sweat over it.  Summer is what I am talking about.  Yep summer is here, by the calender, but it has been here in full force for quite awhile now.  Summer here gets you used to the heat so if you go to the wrong place after you die, it will not feel that much worse down there.  In fact it may just feel better cause down there it is a "dry" heat.  Here, the humidity is as high as the temperature.  Some days the dew point is nip and tuck with the temperature.

Also, did you see the moon last night or better yet, early this morning?  It was absolutely HUGE.  It swung low in its orbit and really put on a show.  Even with the blinds shut, it lit up my bedroom.  I wonder if it caused an extra high (or low) tide?  To say the least least, it was a beautiful night.  Now, you all stay cool and enjoy the first day of summer, you hear?


  1. I'm thinking we need to get out of Texas now that summer's here. If summer is hotter and dryer than what the last few weeks have been, I'm ready for a change! (I feel kind of guilty writing this... I've complained about being cold for the past 3 years... okay, no more being crabby about the heat)

    1. Come over here to the Texas coast area and feel the humidty along with the heat. You can get soaked through real fast without much evort. I like the AC.

  2. Happy summer! Looks like we'll even get some warmer weather the next few days here in NH. Summer her is beautiful, comfortable and way too short.

    Saw the moon driving home with the lovely wife from a late dinner. Looks so much bigger when down low, doesn't it? Optical illusion, but still.

    1. Yep, I bet it is nice where you live in the summer. The moon; it is inflateable and gets full of gas the closer it is to the horizon, right?

  3. Now I know,,,lol. Why doesn't the calendars show that? Well, mine doesn't.

    1. Because it isn't a money making day for the merchants.

  4. Shake and bake! As a guy I work with use to say, " It ain't the heat, it's the humiliation".

    1. Yep, and there is nothing that humiliates you more than heat AND Humidit. If you are shivvering, come on down!!

  5. Dry heat isn't a walk in the park, either. At least not for me. I hide in the air conditioning. I am already learning the different feel of 109 vs. 112. I understand that at some point the humidity moves in here as well. As for the current dew point, last time I saw it referenced it was down in the low 30's. It is strange that a cold cup of water doesn't have condensation. All part of learning to live in Phoenix.

    1. When it gets above body temperature, it is hot and when it gets up to the temps you are talking about, it is hot and dry and uncomfortable. Actually it is dangerous.

  6. I hear Sunday is a good time to see a very large full moon. Hope to get some good pictures of it coming up over the mountains, but that's yet to be seen. It was cloudy last night so nothing to see.

    1. You are right. It will be the largest and closest for this year. Next year the largest falls in August.

  7. You are right in Texas summer showed up a couple of months least in West Texas :(

    Looking forward to seeing the moon on Sunday. My only regret is that I do not have a good camera to capture it.
