Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there.

Happy Father's Day to all the Dads out there.  Hope you all have a great day and are remembered by your children.  Did you know that most all the countries celebrate Father's Day?  Yep, but not all celebrate it today, but the biggest percentage of them do.  I was going to paste this chart on my blog but it would take up too much space, so have a look at this site:'s_Day .

What do you all have planned for this day?  If your Dad is still living, make sure you visit or call him today.  I lost my Dad a very long time ago.  He died at a fairly young age, ten years younger than I am now and I sure have missed him.

My Dad was a great man, not only in my eyes, but in the eyes of everyone who knew him.  He was always my hunting and fishing partner.  I do appreciate all the great times we shared and wish we could do it again.  So, if your Dad is still living, make sure he knows you love him and that he is special to you.  I am sure not all of you were as lucky as I was to have had such wonderful parents.  But I am also sure that they were all special in their own way.  So, Happy Father's Day to all you dads out there and have yourself a great day day, you hear?


  1. I was a Daddy's girl, and he died way too young at 66. And yep I still miss him.

  2. Thanks Dizzy. Just got off the phone with my dad. Lucky he's still around.

    1. Yes, be thankful he is still alive an kicking. I sure pitty those kids who have to grow up withoug a dad.

  3. Nothing but fond memories of my Dad! Too soon gone, for sure!

  4. Happy Fathers Day to all you guys who made an effect to look after not only your own kids but those that were not yours.. To the many who sacrificed their own lives to save ours and those who take the time to be a real dad. A big thumbs up mate to you all.

  5. I lost my dad a long time ago. He may be gone but not forgotten. He was a great father!

    Happy Father's Day to you Dizzy and to all the dad's out there in blog land :)

  6. MsB, I think bout my dad quite often. And thank you for your "happy" wish.

  7. Dad passed away years ago, but I never felt he was "gone", cause he never left me. I can see him clearly.

  8. My dad was 44 years old when I was born, so in many ways he wasn't the "usual" kind of father we think of. He passed away when he was 82... and I was holding his hand and talking to him when he died.... a very mixed bag of emotions, but he was my dad and I loved him. Thanks, Dizzy, for your kind remembrance of all dads today.

  9. Jimkabob, I never forget calling your dad on the phone to tell him that my Dad had pssed away. It still brings tears to my eyes.

    The Odd Essay, My Dad had just left church and had a massive heart attack but was able to get the car off the road and parked and out of gear and then his foot pushed the gas peddle to the floor and the engine was racing. Mom turned the key off. I got there before the ambulance.
