Sunday, May 19, 2013

Wondering about Witch Hazel.

First, let me ask if any of you are having trouble with Blogger?  I sure am.  It started yesterday.  I usually use Firefox for my browser but it wouldn't work right, then I tried Chrome and it didn't work right, so here I am, back writing it with IE ( Windows Internet Explorer).  Can't seem to fix the problem.  Just glad I have all the other options and at least one of them seems to be working.

Now, back to wondering about Witch Hazel.  I just love the stuff.  The smell of it seems to relax me.  I splash it on every morning and at night just before I go to bed.  I believe that years ago it was used as Cologne along with the medicinal purposes.  It is an astringent and a common treatment for hemorrhoids.  As I am sure you know, an astringent shrinks things.

Some species of it are native to America and the natives here made good use of the shrub called Witch Hazel.  They boiled the bark and the small limbs.  Although it is called a shrub, some grow to 20 or 30 feet tall.  It also produces flowers and sometimes the shrub can be seen with both fruit and flowers on it.  As far as I am concerned, as long as the stores don't run out of it, I will keep on splashing it on.  It is suppose to shrink things but so far it hasn't shrunk my tummy much if at all (grin).  Now you all slap some on your face and have a wonderful day today, you hear?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Old Spice cologne and witch hazel as an aftershave (not that I shave these days) are my favorite scents. Geez Louise, are we old pharts or what?

    Previous comment deleted due to embarrassing autocorrect substitution.

    1. Those are the only two smelly things that I have. We old pharts think alike, don'w we?

    2. Boy howdy Will, I sure would like to see that "previous comment".

  3. My dad used to have terrible problems with the skin cracking on his hands. Witch hazel helped a lot.

    1. It helps a lot of things but of course it didn't help my looks any (grin)

  4. DD, I just posted a new thread on my blog (using Firefox) and didn't have any trouble at all.

    I never used aftershave even when I did shave. Don't know that I've ever even smelled Witch Hazel before.

    1. I have used it a lot in the past, but today it and Chrome both were giving me problems.

  5. Now you have me wondering what it smells like.

    1. Try it, you may like it. Smell and taste are two things that are hard to express in words.

  6. The old fashioned barber shop I used as a a kid always smelled like witch hazel! I like the smell!

    I still use Old Spice to this day! My favorite!

  7. Dizzy I use witch hazel all the time but I use fresh aloe vera and also a mixture of white vinegar and equate antiseptic mouthrinse (compare to original Listerine). (whitch is an equal amount of both)

  8. H.J. It has been many years since I have seen the inside of a barber shop, I have forgotten what they look like. . .

    Justastick, you are your own drub store. You make some pretty good mixtures.

  9. No problems here with Blogger touch wood, I'm using Firefox...

  10. Well, you got me to wonderin'... sure enough, I had a bottle of Witch Hazel in our medicine chest. Can't remember why I bought it - haven't tried to shrink anything lately and don't use scents. But I had to splash it on my hands just to see what you're talking about. I could barely smell it. Handed it over to Bill... he said he got a whiff of it at first, but it faded fast. I looked at the expiration date... 04/09. Hmmmm... maybe it's time to clean out the medicine chest.

  11. I've always considered Which Hazel to smell like a toilet bowl cleaned with Pine Sol. Sure do keep them hoochi choochi wimmins at bay though.

  12. TFT, I usually use Firefox but this morning when it brought the blogs up they were so small I couldn't read them and couldn't enlarge them either.

    The Odd Essay, It does not have a strong odor and it does fade rather fast, but while I can smell it I really like it.

    BB, there is no pine smell at all, but if keeps them hoochi choochi gals away it will make my wife happy. I will tell her she need not worry anymore. . .

  13. Now I need to find some and see what it smells like.

  14. Jill, All drug stores have it and so does Wal-Mart.

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  16. I've heard of Witch Hazel but can't remember when I actually came across it or what is was used for. I'm now very curious to find out what it smells like. Maybe the smell will bring back the memories.

    As for my Firefox - usually when someone leaves a comment I like to 'press' on their name and go and find out who they are but today it just kept giving me a blank page for every name I went on. Not sure what is wrong with it, as it's never done this before. Had to switch to Safari in order for me to check them out.
    I really loathe it when technology goes wrong, as fixing these things are a nightmare to me.

  17. No problems with FireFox running under Windows 8 either yesterday or today. That is a very good thing for me because I have only had this new set up for 4 days.
