Monday, May 13, 2013

Wondering about a neat TV show.

America's Secret Slang is a show that I like.  It takes some common slang word that we use today and goes back to its roots.  It is amazing just where some of these words came from.  My wife recorded a series of them and I was watching them this morning.  They were so interesting that I almost forgot to post a blog.  For instance, the one I just now watched explained how the term "bought the farm" came from.  As you probably know, in wartime, it meant to be killed in action.  So, how did that buy the farm?  Well, at that time, the US provided a $10,000 life insurance policy on all the soldiers and back then that was about what it took to "buy the farm".

This show keeps your attention.  It tells how the ladies of the evening got the name "hooker", to how "egg on your face" got started, to "gung ho", to "hill billy", to boon dock, to many, many more.  I love shows like this and I actually learn something.  Now how could it get better than that? (grin).  Now, you all have yourself a great Monday, you hear?


  1. Replies
    1. It is on one of the History channels, H2, I think.

  2. Explain about "hill billy". I've been called that a few times in my younger life. I'm probaby not a true hillbilly, but I'll gladly identify with them.

    1. It was the Irish who where backed by King William when they came to the new land.

  3. Never watch TV, but this sounds interesting.

    1. Regular TV is mostly entertainment, but some of the stuff you can find on satellite is worth watching and you might learn something.

  4. It beats the latest reality show about Janet Jackson wanting to adopt....or maybe it's the OTHER Jackson. Can't tell 'em apart.

    And I impressed Joe when they were talking about where the term RED NECK came from. I knew it all along.

    1. I never watch those so called reality shows. There is nothing real about them. And since I prefer hill-billy music, I don't know much about the Jacksons.

  5. I will have to look for the show. I don't watch much TV. Netflix documentaries streamed to my laptop are what I listen to when I'm in my studio. The radio scrambles my brain, it shifts from DJ talking, news, music, commercials... my brain can't keep switching subjects while making art.

  6. 'Hooker' came from the Civil War and was the name applied to the camp followers of General Hooker's troops.
