Monday, May 27, 2013

Wondering about long distances.

I have driven about 3000 miles on a single trip.  It took me a few weeks, since I was in no hurry and stayed a few places along the way for a spell.  It is around 3000 miles across the US from Sea to Sea.  But that is a drop in the bucket for a world traveler.  It is about 25000 miles around the Earth at the equator.  It takes the Earth around 24 hours to make one revolution, so it is spinning (at the equator) about a thousand miles an hour.  Any distance is minuscule compared to distance in space.  Just look how long it took to get to the moon and then to mars even with the Viking missions.

The Voyager 1 space probe that was launched 35 years ago is just now about to leave our solar system.  How long would a "space ship" take just to get to the nearest star.  What about the prospects of getting to another galaxy?  I wonder why we would want to since we will never explore our own Milky Way.  The distances are just way too great.

So, you may ask, just how big do galaxies get.  The record breaker so far is NGC 6872.  Here is picture of it:

The distance between the tips of its two arms is 522,000 light years.  Even if you could travel at half the speed of light, it would take 261,000 years to make that trip.  Could you imagine packing up your RV for a trip that far?!?!?  In my humble opinion, man is destined to spend the future in our own little solar system or very near by.  Maybe by the time that the Earth becomes unliveable, we will have perfected huge space stations or space cities that could keep civilization going.  Of course by the time that is necessary, we may be an extinct species.  Hey, it is Monday, make the best of it, you hear?


  1. You know what I think bout today's post. Anything we have learned or will ever learn bout space is and will always be useless. I mean, like who in their right mind is gonna get on a spaceship an' travel for a couple hunnert thousand years to another galaxy? Why Dizzy, why?
    You know who pays for all this space research? I do, that's who.
    Hee hee hee......

    1. I think mankind is destined to stay in our own solar systmen and a prefer my feet to be planted on terra-firma. - Yes, we pay for it, but a lot of stuff has come out of the space program that benifits us. Cell phones for example.

    2. There are some people that do not consider a cell phone a benefit. I never liked the telephone and like the cell phone even less.

  2. I think if mankind makes this planet unliveable the we should go extinct. What kind of life could it possibly be to spend life in a space station. I think that day is so far away that if and when it comes, we will have found a way to travel faster. What about "wormholes"?

    1. I have heard of plans to colonize Mars by first sowing seeds and getting plants growing to freshen up the atmosphere. A worm hole is associated with black holes and getting into one would tear you apart.

    2. I've also heard about taking plants to Mars. Ironically, the idea is to create a greenhouse effect in order to get the plants growing and to create a habitable atmosphere. How long would it be habitable? We screw up our own planet with greenhouse gases and then we go on to another planet to screw it up. Humans are sometimes nuts!

  3. Way too much to ponder this morning. Guess I'll grab another cup and sit outside!

    1. That soounds like a plan Mr. Jim. I'll take mine strong and black and Columbian.

  4. Time to pack up the RV,...with a heck of alotta food and coffee, and a copy of the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy. If we go really fast, will we become younger? I'm starting to like this idea.

  5. If I get my 10,000 steps in each day I feel like I've gone about as far as I need to... a full 5 miles would be better, but, hey... I've no ambition to make the kind of trips you're writing about.

  6. Jimkabob, That is right, the faster you go the slower time moves ahead. Too bad when one gets old like me, we don't move very fast, but time still seems to fly by. . .

    The Odd Essay, yep 10,000 steps at about 5 feet per step would be close to five miles. I am thinking that just getting up and down off the couch a couple of times a day keeps me in shape.
