Friday, May 31, 2013

Saga Continues - Willy Bub and Carney Go Fishing.

As I promised, I have a second instalment of the Willy Bub and Carney Show.  This time, they have decided to go fishing.  Willy Bub wants to go to a big ole lake and Carney wants to go to the bigger Gulf of Mexico.  So, how the heck will they decide which place they will go.  Carney says that salt water fishing is always full of surprises cause there is so many varieties of fish that can be caught but Willy Bub (who is plenty salty enough) says there is nothing more exciting than catching a big ole bass and having him dance all over the lake.  He also reminds Carney that his kayak has only one seat but the blow up blubber boat is just a big hole in the water and two people and a dog could flop into it and paddle in circles all day long.  Carney then told Willy Bub that in the yak, as Carney was paddling, Willy Bub could ride up front by straddling it like riding a horse and the dog could stay at home.  So they decided to flip the dog, Madie Say, and if she landed on her feet they would go in the yak and if she landed on her back they would go in the blubber boat and if she landed on either side, each would take their own floating device and go wherever the heck they wanted to.  So, now they are chasing Madie Say around trying to catch her so they can flip the dog but Madie Say is thinking that the only flipping she is going to do is flip them the bird!!

Well ole Madie Say won out.  With all the extra strenuous activity that Carney and Willy Bub did chasing that dog around, they both were just way too pooped out to even think about fishing, whether it be in a lake or the Gulf.  In fact, they were way to tired out to even go play a round of golf.  So Madie Say and the Gorilla (you remember the gorilla from the the first "not so true story" that I posted the day before yesterday?) went to the golf course and played a round, then stopped at a pond and caught some fish and then just to round out the day, did a little serf fishing.

I just can't figure out why Willy Bub and Carney didn't just do both the fresh and the salt water fishing.  The fresh water fishing sure wouldn't take long at all.  You see, Willy Bub was used to the way that the hill billies fish in West Virginia.  Their favorite lure is a big ole stick of dynamite!!  Speaking of dynamite, you all have a dynamite day, you hear?


  1. You write some good stories. Keeping from letting facts and realities get in the way makes great tales. Keep it up, I luv it.

  2. You know... this could be an on-going series.... the adventures of.... Fact or Fiction? Entertaining!

  3. You may soon be approached by a slick Hollywood fella talking movie rights.

  4. Barney, If'n you take a little truth and stretch it a wee bit (or maybe a lot) you can come up with a story that will have different meaning for different people.

    The Odd Essay, now that could be a good subject for a blog, "Fact or Fiction?".

    Gypsy, Hey, make sure they get my address right when they send the check. . .

  5. As a hillbilly, we kin catch all we want with a string and a safety pin. But northerners ain't smart enough to open the pin.

    1. You got to open the safety pin? Dang, now you tell me!!

  6. jajajajaja...thank you for the continuing saga!

    1. MsB, you are welcome, but I believe I have worn that subject out, at least for now.

  7. Best Wedding Photo Ever? Tyrannosaurs Rex crashes a Wedding Party:
