Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Has anyone ever told you that the Jones live "High on the Hog"?  That is a very common phrase which means that the Jones (or who ever you are talking about) live and eat very well.  In other words, they have lots of money and live the life that all that money can provide.  I often wondered what that meant, but I guess it just means that they can afford the more expensive cuts of meat.  So, I guess the tenderlions, or back strap or what every you prefer to call that meat on either side of the rear spine, is the more expensive and tender cut.  I sure do like that cut of meat, especially when taken from a fresh killed deer.

Speaking of pork, have any of you had the opportunity to eat some genuine Italian Prosciutto?  Way back a few years after we got married, a friend of my Father-in-law's gave him one and he in turn gave it to us.  It didn't need refregerated and it was hard as a rock.  You had to work at it to get a piece sliced off and then your jaw muscles got a good wookout, but it was sure worth it.  Yum, yum!!!  Of course it was a little on the salty side, but as I just said, yum, yum.  Now, you all have yourselves a great day, you hear?


  1. You are making me hungry, throw in 2 eggs over easy, strong coffee.

  2. So . . . would bacon eaters be eating low on the hog? If so, that's fine with me.

  3. That chewy thing sounds like jerky.

  4. Jimkabob, sounds like a plan (I mean menu) to me.

    Sixbears, actually. . . yes.

    Trouble, it was an imported from Italy whole ham jerky (grin) or should I say whole hog jerky.

  5. How do ya get Yum Yum out of "hard as a rock", had to "work" for a slice, sore muscles and salty as all git-out?

    1. Some things are worth working for. Not many, but some.

  6. Ham, or jamon, is the meat of choice in Spain... I can't believe how many ways it is available in the markets... most is sliced paper thin. I don't know if it's the different ways it's cured that determines the name (and cost), but for not eating much meat we sure ate high on the hog while there!

    1. I would think that just going to Spain would mean that you were living high on the hog. . .

  7. Now my mouth is really watering! I love nearly all pork, especially bacon and ham!

  8. Italian Prosciutto? No Dizzy I have never heard of it much less eaten it but I will take your word for it.

  9. Hermit, you bet it makes the mouth water. There is something about cured meat that perks up the old appetite.

    MsB, If you ever get a chance, try it. Most people either love it or hate it. No in between.
