Friday, April 19, 2013

Wondering, what about a change in plans.

I was planning on heading on down south to Study Butte and Terlingua, but I have changed my mind.  I have been there before but I have never been to the Fort Davis mountains and the McDonald observatory.  So, we shall head on west a short distance and spend two nights at the state park just on the west side of Fort Davis.  I called today and made reservations the 21st and 22nd.  Then we will head on home.

If I had gone to Terlingua, I was planning on leaving by way of the Big Bend National Park and through Del Rio to maybe meet up with Ms. Belinda.  I guess I will have to wait and meet her some other time.  Meeting in person all my blogging friends is on my bucket list.

I just love the clear skies out here.  What a difference from east Texas with all the humidity.  I see stars with the naked eye here that I need a telelscope to see back at home.  The dry cool air and the hot sun also make a great combination in the day time.  We are up about 4000 feet.  At least that is what my wife told me and the we will be going up another 1000 feet when we head a short distance to the west.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear? 


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  2. DD, Hope you enjoy the trip. Fort Davis is real nice to. I'd hoped to catch up with you if you'd have come down here though. BTW there's supposed to be a meteor shower the night of the 22nd so you might want to make sure you stay around until the 23rd. Should be spectacular there as well as here. (Provided it doesn't cloud up or the moon doesn't over power the view.

  3. Thanks David, I was really looking forward to visiting with you again, but maybe some other time. The first, and only, time I talked to you was when you walked down to get your mail and John Wells introduced us. I sure hope to watch the meteor shower. Trouble with most camp grounds is that they have too much light. Maybe the state park will be different and will not have all those lights.

  4. I missed this post! Still not sure how. Glad you're on the road again.

  5. It would have been a pleasure to have gotten to meet you and your wife. Maybe we will meet up on one of your return trips.

    Enjoy you stay in Fort Davis.
