Monday, April 1, 2013

Wondering past a field in the neighborhood.

The other day my wife and I drove past a field on the corner less than a half mile from my house.  We have driven past this field almost daily and marvel at the beauty of the wild flowers, but this time I happened to have my small camera in my shirt pocket and handed it to my wife.  I slowed down and she snapped a few pictures that I would like to share with you.  Remember, you can click on them to enlarge them which I recommend that you do to really see how beautiful they areHere is the first one

The first picture and this picture was taken from the side road:

And this last one was taken from main road Farm to Market (FM) road:

They have reached their peak for this year and they sure did a great job of brightening up the area.  As you can see, the blue bonnets had some Indian paint brushes mixed in with them.  That makes for a very beautiful field.  The owner of that property raised a great crop of beauty.  BTW, this property is for sell.  I hope nothing serious happened to the fellow who used to live there.  Come to think about it, I haven't seen any activity around the place for some time and his pick-up truck was covered over with a tarp.  Maybe he is in the process of moving.  Makes me wonder, though.  Now, got out and observe the beauty of Nature whether it be snow and ice or brightly colored wild flowersOne of the ways to have a happy life is to try to see the beauty in everything around us.  Now, you all have a beautiful day, you hear?


  1. It's getting that way around here too. Love this time of year.

  2. Thanks for the bouquet of flowers! Looks like we'll get back in time to see the bluebonnets. As to TX being a safer place, Bill is scheduled to take his concealed weapon certification class this coming Saturday. With the regs tightening up he thought he'd better get it while he still can.

  3. Lots of wild flowers toward Study Butte, but on our end of 118 there isn't any.

  4. Trouble, yes it is a pretty time of year, for sure.

    The Odd Essay, Glad to have the flowers for your return and I will try to stay away from Bill (grin).

    David, I wonder why? Maybe because they are closer to the river and lower so any water runs down hill. You got any better explanation?

  5. DD, its warmer down there and most stuff starts blooming a good bit earlier. I also think they do get more rain down there. That's about the best guesses I have.

  6. I've just seen flowering trees so far, and they make me sneeze! I've only had that problem in the past few years, and meinly in the west, rarely in the east.

  7. David, it is quite a bit lower down in the valley than where you are. Seasons not only change with the date but with the elevation.

    Gypsy, I have been having a little sinus trouble, also. The rain we had yesterday cleared it out some.

  8. Beautiful flowers. Was rather disappointed on my drive to Houston, I always spot batches of blue bonnets and this year they were hardly any.

    Hope your neighbor is selling his property because he wants to and not because health issues are forcing him.

  9. MsB, So far, it has been really good year for the wild flowers. There are all kinds and all colors blooming everywhere. I was told once that to have blue bonnet bloom every year, you have to plant them three years in a row.
