Friday, March 15, 2013

Wondering about the "yellow" season.

Some places have four seasons, some places have less than four, and some places have more than four.  Our area has many seasons.  The longest one is our HOT season.  We also have a winter, sort of, when the leaves fall off the hard wood trees.  So, therefore, we must also have a spring season when the leaves return.  I call it the "yellow" season.  Why?  Because everything is yellow!!  Everyone drives a yellow car, too.  I tried to go out this morning and get a picture of my "yellow" jeep that used to be khaki colored but the dew was too heavy this morning.  That was a disappointment, but on my way back into the house I noticed my garbage cans sitting on the end porch had a little bit of the pollen on them.  Now, yesterday was garbage pick-up day so most of the old pollen would have been knocked off and what you see is fresh.

It doesn't show up too well in the picture.  I guess I should have written my name on it with my finger to show that it is suppose to be a lot darker blue.  What I should have done was take a picture of the Jeep yesterday when we got back from the post office.  I even had to use the windshield washer and wipers.  A picture then would have shown you just how bad it is.  The pine, oak, ash, elm, and just about everything else is supplying the pollen.  People with severe allergies are really suffering.  Even my sinuses are bothering me some.  Now, the next bad season will be the Love Bug season.  This pollen washes off easily, but not the stinking love bugs.  Now, don't get me wrong, I am not complaining, just telling it like it is.  Now, you all have a great day today and hope your day is not going to be yellow, you hear?


  1. Around here, that yellow means cedar fever. Starts about Dec..

  2. Trouble, we have a few cedars but they are few and far between, not like the cedar forests of the hill country.

  3. I can never remember, but it's either the male or female that puts off that pollen. It blows everywhere.

  4. My nose started running and I started sneezing just reading your blog today. Even taking Zyrtec (or however you spell it) that pollen must make my lungs and nasal passages look like your car!

  5. Trouble, now don't you know that we males wouldn't do a think like that (grin).

    The Odd Essay, I don't know where your nose ran to, but I hope you find catch up to it.

  6. The yellow season is a bear for my best friend who suffers from severe allergies...glad I don't!

  7. When's the season you get in your new RV and take off on some adventure?

  8. MsB, it can really cause sinus problems, for sure.

    TFT, That will be the "happy" season.
