Thursday, February 7, 2013

Pups to the groomer.

Our three pups will be going off to the groomer's today for their monthly fix up.  Last month the oldest female came back with what we call a "hot spot" where the groomer had some trouble getting a tangle out and irritated her skin.  Of course after we got home, the male started licking it and made matters a lot worse.  Since we had both our females "fixed", he gets excited about the smallest things even if they are imagined.  Poor boy, I feel sorry for him.

It seems that yesterday's rain is over, although I have not seen the sun yet.  Last night the weather man said it would clear off today and get up in the mid to upper 70's.  It will be a good day even though I had trouble sleeping last night and am a little on the tired side.  Of course, any day that I wake up alive is a good day, right?  Now, I plan to have a good day and I want all of you to do the same, you hear?


  1. My neighbor grooms dog, & cats. She is so careful but charges up the butt for the service, many give her a $100 bill and walk away, I think that is pretty expensive, if people can brush their dogs or cats they would be okay, she doesn't charge much for getting tangles out, some people just use her for that. She said she made $3,000 at christmas time, people have too much money and time on their hands. I pay a lady who owned a beauty shop for 20 years a 10 spot to cut me and my hubbs hair and I wash mine ahead of the cut and so does my hubbs, of course I bring a marionberry pie and marionberry james and a big loaf of bread I make in a cast iron skillet she adores..Her shop is closed now but we enjoy getting our does done and she lives way out in the country and enjoys the company a lot..I have known her most of my life and at the holidays i always bring a special ham, prime rib roast, pies and some nice blouse she wanted to get but did not get, and no I don't have her do my hair then..She is a friend and one treats friends well...ciao !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Trouble, my wife would like that but I refused.

    Anon, I would cut your hair for all that food. Actually, my wife prefers me to cut her hair.

  3. When I had a dog many moons ago I used to take him to Petsmart but they either made his nails bleed when they cut them or irritated his skin.

    I finally got tired of it and decided to groom him myself. I sure do miss him :(

  4. MsB, this time we had the two females shaved. They do not look like a Shih Tzu any more, but the male doesn't have an undercoat to get all tangled and he still has long hair.
