Saturday, January 5, 2013

Wondering what gender that truck is.

Yesterday was grocery shopping day so we headed off to town and on the way in I took notice of a truck in front of me as we were going around the Loop.  I saw something that I had never seen on a pick-up truck before, so I asked my wife if that truck was a male or a female.

I always thought that trucks were suppose to be masculine but I have heard people call them by feminine names and have even heard a redneck say "good girl" to his truck when it jumped the ditch without any trouble or drove out of the mud bog without having to be pulled or pushed.  So, what gender do you think a pick-up truck is?

Well, this picture that I tool of the truck in front of me should answer any question you may have:

Not close enough for you?  OK, I will enlarge that part of the picture:

Now, if that wasn't bad enough, when I got to the Wal-Mart parking lot and started walking from my Jeep to the store, I spotted an over sized ladybug masquerading as a car:

It seems to me that yesterday's trip into town took a detour through the Twilight Zone.  I hope you had a more sane day and that today will be a great one for you all.


  1. No doubt male! I have seen where they sell those in either Piedras Negras or Ciudad Acuna...with my CRS do not remember for sure.

    I do not have a truck but a van and she is female :)

  2. I've no idea what the cars and trucks around here really look like. They are all covered in snow, ice, salt and frozen slush.

    The old veggie van will need a good wash job once I get to FL.

  3. That's a crossword puzzle word, "Anthropomorphism", as used in, "kick'em in the anthropomorphism sack",or what's the last thing that goes through a bug's mind when it hits the windshield. Lady Bugs excluded.

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  5. MsB, yep, no doubt. This is the first time I have seen them. Say howdy to Miss Van for me.

    Sixbears, Oh yes, I remember those days when I lived in PA.

    Jimkabob, Thanks for teaching me a new word, I did look it up. BTW, I am going to have to send you a bill for damages and medical care. I laughed so hard at your comment that I hurt something, now going to tell you what it was. . .

    Anon, thanks for the kind comment.

  6. I saw a VW bug painted as a lady bug, it had a face on the front and legs on the side. Oh, and this lady bug was wearing high heels! I have seen other trucks made male...I wonder about the driver. Real men don't need to advertise if you ask me.

  7. Barney, yes that is them.

    Jill, a VW sure would make a good lady bug, but I am having trouble picturing high heels on a VW. Don't suppose you have a picture?

  8. I really laughed when I saw a pair of the trucknutz on an older small economy car down here. Talk about really out of place.

  9. Shadowmoss, humor is in the eye of the beholder. . . I laugh at them no matter what they are hanging on, especially if it is a little wimpy vehicle.
