Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Wondering What The Eye Sees.

Maybe I am different; now I hope you noticed that I didn't say strange. . .   But, my brain tries to see different shapes, faces, and things in repetitious designs.  Maybe it is because of my work of designing stuff and then making workable drawings, or maybe it is because of my art, or maybe it is because I am strange different.  It can't be the first two because I could pick out faces and animals in wall paper designs or curtain design or just any random design back when I was a small child and would amuse my self doing so.  Just like this wall:

Or the adjoining wall:

Go ahead and enlarge the pictures and just stare at them for awhile and see what your brain makes out of them.  Maybe nothing but a random design, but then again, you may be surprised what all your brain can make out of it.

OK, you say you don't see anything?  Well then, I guess that I am really strange.  Why don't you enlarge the picture to full screen and get close enough to it that it fills your vision and stare at it for a few minutes?  It may surprise you what you can see in the design.  There is no trick here, it is just your brain trying to make something out of the randomness.  Let me know if you can see anything in it.  If you don't then I know I must be strange.  I guess since I look strange, I may as well act strange. . .  Now don't you all have a strange day, but a great day, you hear?


  1. Phyllis (N/W Jersey)January 22, 2013 at 9:01 AM

    OMG! Another one like me! On the first one I see a man holding his head up with his right arm. The second one is a man smiling. Did you ever see the "Magic Eye" books? Takes me only two seconds to see the picture. I have many and you can also download them to enjoy.

  2. We did that as kids, with clouds.

  3. Phyllis, the first thing I spotted other than heads was a big hand. Now, after your comment I can see that hand holding up a head.

    Trouble, we did too. I guess I am either going through my second childhood or I never grew up or both.

  4. I tend to worry bout you Dizzy Dick....Oh wait, now I see it. Clouds has always been my favorite. Mama Nature sure do draw some purty pictures if'n ya look hard enough.


  6. I started seeing things long ago, as well! Reckon we are fine until the walls start talking to us, right?

  7. The brain tries to find faces in random designs. Maybe it's how we could pick animals out of the forest. We'd look for those eyes and other facial features among the leaves.

  8. BB, I tend to worry about me, too. No artist can compete with olfactory mom nature.

    Barney, I saw one of those in your blog today.

    HJ, you mean they don't talk to you?!?!?


    Just so you'll know I'm not a "pretend" artist, I'd love for you to see one of my graphite portraits.


    When I was living at home, I'd spend so much time in the bathroom because that's where the plastic tile was. I saw all kinds of heads, faces, animals. I couldn't take it any more, so I got an ink pen (sorry mom) and connected the lines.

  10. Sorry, my glasses are at the doctor's office being fixed, so I'm at a terrible disadvantage for this.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Lotta joy, glad you are one, too. Wow, that charcoal drawing is great!! I enjoy drawing and painting, too.

    Justastick, thanks but I thought I got on long ago.

    Jill, it actually works better without glasses. A little blurred vision seems to help in this case.

  13. On the first one I see a man's face, he only has one eye, he has a mustache and a receding hairline.

    Can't make out anything on the second one.

  14. MsB, and he has pointed ears. . . My mind can put together a lot of different views.
