Thursday, January 3, 2013

Wondering how my big change will work out.

I finally got fed up enough to go and do it!!!  Old Ben Woods used to keep telling me to do it, but I wasn't having any trouble at the time and figured if it's not broken, don't fix it.  Then I got upset and went and saw an expert and he told me to do it, too.  In fact, he said go home and "Do It".

What am I talking about?  No!!! Not that!!!  I have been having problems with this lap top that I use to write my blog.  It works just fine writing and posting my blogs but when I go to answer comments or make comments on other blogs, I have to go fire up my tablet and comment with it.  It is like this.  I am able to type in my comment with no problem.  Then when I hit the button to post the comment, it all goes away.  Now that gets to be a drag using a computer to read and a tablet to comment and, well you get the idea.  So, yesterday, my wife wanted to go into town and go to Hobby Lobby and Michaels and since there was a computer fix-it shop in the next block, I took my laptop with me.  I dropped my wife off and went to the computer guy.  Carried in my computer and ask him if there was a setting that needed changed so that I could comment on blogs.  I explained my problem.  He asked me what program I was using to get on the internet.  I told him I was using Chrome.  He said go home, download Firefox, instal it, and my problems should go away.  I did, and they did. . . I down loaded Firefox and my problems went away.  Now why didn't I listen to Old Ben a few years back?  Well, it finally caught up with me and I bet Ole Ben is looking down and laughing at me.`

What internet access programs do you all use?  Have any of you had this problem?  Next time I have my desk-top turned on, I will have to check and see what internet program is on it?  Probably an oldie but goodie.  Now you all have a problem free day today, you hear? 


  1. I use IE and Chrome. Mostly IE. And no, I've had no problems with any of that on either one.

  2. I never had any problem with IE, just Chrome. And so far, only on this HP laptop. My new operating system, Firefox, reminds me of the Clint Eastwood movie of the same name.

  3. I don't get it Dizzy. I was think'n that hook'n up to the internet was done by a stand alone program and not your browser.
    I'm think'n the reason Chrome didn't work for ya is that it needed updated and all the "add ons" activated. You, stuff like that.
    Anyhows, glad you back in business.

  4. BB, yep, the internet may be accessed by a stand alone program, but to browse and comment I think you need something like Chrome or Firefox. I could be wrong. What do use to access the internet?

  5. I've always used Firefox and been lucky with it, I guess.

    Wouldn't ever go back to IE and tried Chrome for a day and gave it up!

  6. HJ, so far it is doing everything I want it to. I can comment on blogs now without having to fire up my tablet.

  7. I remember you mentioning you had issues commenting on blogs before. Luckily I have not had that problem though it has happened on occasion that my comments have gone to internet heaven.

    I use Chrome and Internet Explorer.

  8. Hi DD, I have been using Firefox for reading and commenting on blogs for quite a while. It seems to work better. It also helps that it has a built-in spell-checker!! Sometimes my fingers hit two letters at once, so it let's me know.
    Happy Tails and Trails, Penny.

  9. I use Firefox and am very happy with it.
    Check on your stats and you'll see how many people use what. Usually IE and Firefox have around the same usage but I find that Firefox loads better...

  10. IE is my browser and has worked flawlessly for several years. It is important to always run the latest upgrade. Mine is done automatically.

  11. MsB, Yep, Chrome and IE were the ones I used. Didn't have a problem with IE, just with Chrome.

    Penny, when I use my tablet I am always hitting the wrong keys, but it checks my spelling, thank goodness. I am also one of the world's worst spellers.

    TFT, yep, it almost ties for first place.

    Barney, IE gave me no problem, it was when I upgraded to Chrome that did me in. So far I really like this Firefox.

  12. When I started computing a number of years ago a young nephew said "use Firefox". He installed it for me and I've used it since then. Other than "I'm stupid" errors it's done a good job for what little I know how to do.
    I don't handle change readily so guess I'll stick with it.

  13. John, thanks for that report and I am glad you are sticking to it. So far I like it and I will do as you did, I will stick to it.
