Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Wondering about my favorite smells.

There are a lot of smells that I don't like, but on the other hand there are a lot that I do like.  I suppose my most favorite non-food nor drink aroma is Witch Hazel.  I splash it on my body a couple of times a day and always make sure I have some on face so that I can get a good smell of it.  I just love it.  I am not all that fond of colognes or perfumes; just that good old Witch Hazel.

Other smells that I really like are, of course, food or drink related.  I just love the smell of brewing coffee.  Now I can't smell the aroma steaks grilling without starting to drool.  And vanilla, oh yes vanilla!!  I love the smell of vanilla (and the taste when diluted and used as a favoring).

There are other smells that I love, like fresh bread baking, chocolate, the crisp fall air, and of course the smells that remind me of wonderful times in the past.  Isn't it great how a smell can jog your memory?  What are some of your favorite smells?  Let me know and you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. Pine sol,,makes a clean smell. Also vanilla, bread cooking.

  2. You named some of my favorites! And YES, they do jog the ol' memory!

  3. I grew up on a farm and fresh cut hay was/is still one of my favorites. When that barn loft was filled with hay bales..oh was it heavenly. And I love the smell of Fall and the dried leaves on the ground. I too love vanilla and brewing coffee. When I bake rolls or bread (thank you Gypsy) it makes the house/rv smell great. And when I smell sawdust I always think of my Dad who worked in the lumber business all his life.

  4. Trouble, I also like Pine Sol. That smell reminds me of my grandma.

    Barney, I can not argue that point!!

    HJ, it is a wonder how well a smell can jog a memory.

    Tammy, I spent a couple of summers on my uncles farm, so know how good the farm and barn smelled.

  5. Creosote, spent a lot time as a kid playing around RR tracks. Not recommended, but still fun to see how far you can walk on the rail.

  6. I love leaves in autumn, vanilla, and baking bread as well... but one of my favorites is the smell of the sea. That salty, kind of fishy smell.... I love it! And that makes me think of the smell of rain... that's a hard one to describe, but... knowing rain is on it's way by the smell outside is almost a gift. Nice things to think about.

  7. I know it probaby sounds siy but I like the smells on a farm, especially after the honey wagon has spread manure in the fields. There is a huge dairy farm near TT Wilderness Lakes, a lot of members complain, but I love the smell there too. (The flys I could do with out though :) On the nicer side, I love when my husband puts on his Steson cologne, I like the smell of a new car and a new born baby.

  8. Jimkabob, when I was a kid, we tried to walk the rails from Philipston to East Brady without falling off. Got pretty god at it. Yep, railroads were a big part of my life.

    The Old Easy, I agree and the smell of he sea. I have smelled the Atlantic, the Gulf, and the Pacific. My favorite is where I am at at the time.

    BJ, No, it goes not sound silly. I sure do know what you are saying.

  9. Smells act directly on the brain, without a filter. It's primal.

  10. smells....not a good subject. we live in a small house, kids, pets and wood stove...lots going on. My husband is a person who notices smells. He screws up his face, I give him a dirty look and tell him to do what I do...breath through your mouth and get on with your life. ( I've been a mom to long)

  11. The smell of my mothers yeast rolls,Fresh sheets and pillows dried in the sun,fresh mowed hayFresh air after a thunder storm.

  12. Brisket cooking in the oven after being rubbed down real well with onion powder, garlic powder, black pepper. Then marinated for 8 hours in apple cider vinegar (mix of 30%), apple cider 60% and a can of beer) Cook it all night @ 275 degrees, but be warned the smell is so good people keep taste testing it half the night and there may not be any left in the morning. I don't think its possible to sleep in that environment!

    Then again the smell of my eX with very light perfume used to be pretty good to. Miss that a bunch.

  13. I could love to smell some warm apple dumplings with vanilla ice cream right now coming at me.

  14. Sixbears, it must be because I can remember smells better than anything else.

    Jill E, breathing through your mouth? Then you taste all the smells (grin).

    Justastick, all those things are good smells, for sure.

    David, now you got my mouth watering. . .

    Jill, oh my yes!!! We used to have a friend in PA that made the best and biggest ones we have ever had. Sure did enjoy them and miss them. They were a meal all by them selves.

  15. The smell of fresh coffee has to be among the top great smells, as well as freshly baked bread. One smell I don't like at all is that of a person who has used deodorant soap. I can smell them even when I can't see them, as when someone is an aisle over at the grocery. I actually have to get away from it as quickly as I can.

  16. Dizzy -
    Smells to me can bring up memories faster than words or music or even sight. Gumbo clay around construction sites reminds me of childhood, don't know why. I can go into any relative's house and recognize a smell particular to that place, or an item from their house. Ever notice that? What I don't like is folks who wear waaaay too much perfume or cologne. Several times at work I can tell you who was just in the hallway, even if they're not in sight, just from their lingering perfume - yuk! And men who try to cover bad body odor with more deodorant aren't successful!

  17. Gypsy, oh yes the smell of brewing Columbia Supremo!! Some coffees smell better than they taste.

    Baby Sis, smells can sure take you back in time further than any thing. I sure pitty people who can not smell. Smell is the biggest part of taste.

  18. I road a bicycle across the US one summer and had the opportunity to smell a lot of fresh cut hay. Now when ever I have that opportunity again the memories of that summer come rushing back.

    Smell is not just the biggest part of taste, if you loose the sense of smell you loose the sense of taste also.

  19. Wow Ed, you rode across the U.S. on a bicycle!!! Good for you, very few can say or do that.
    The tongue can taste sweet, sour, and bitter but it takes the nose to taste the other flavors.
