Sunday, December 2, 2012

Wondering if I am the only one having blogger problems.

I am having blogger problems.  The problems are varied and not all blog sites are affected.  I can not leave comments on some and on others, they will not stay up long enough to even begin reading them.  I noticed it right away when I was using my tablet to try and read and leave comments on blogs.  Some I could do both, some I could only read, and some would not stay up long enough to even read them.  Never had this problem before.  Is anyone else having this problem?  I suppose I can't ask you to let me know if you are because you will not be able to, right?  But I do wonder if the problem is only on my end.

I am now on my laptop, but it always had problems.  I could never leave a comment on blogs with this laptop.  I was planning to take it to a computer doctor to find out why, but now if my tablet is acting up, also, maybe I better wait until I find out if it is blogger or if it may be my equipment.  So, I want all you readers out there who have blogs to know that I did read your blogs but couldn't comment on them, at least not at this time.  Hope this isn't a sign of the kind of day I will have today. . . but I do want all of you to have a great day, you hear?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  3. Nothing wrong in in PA except for being a dreab kinda day. Sorry about the 'delete' but too many spelling errors. Hope you can figure out your problem, I love your comments.

  4. No problems here. Just with my Verizon billing,,hahahaha.

  5. Dizzy, you have computer problems. In order for the blogs to work, your computer must have all the latest fandangle little programs ever imagined by man. Older versions of these programs (not updated) will not work in this age of "blogger choice" know, push'n buttons an' stuff like that. The designers of "your choice" templates didn't take into consideration that everbody don't have a brand spank'n new they all don't work the same.
    I would suggest updating on each computer you use. Did wonders for my one and only.

  6. My automatically always updated computer is having no trouble with blogger at all.

  7. All ok here but I'm wearing high heels today and the elevation is making me feel a bit, well, dizzy...

  8. Thanks for all your helpful comments. I am now on my old, old desk top, and it seems to be working. Sometimes I just can't figure this blogger out. Hey TFT, I wear cowboy boots and they have high heels, too. So we are both Dizzy.

    1. Looks like the problem is fixed by using an older computer!!

      Your yesterday's comment came in loud and clear on my blog.

  9. I don't understand it. Even my wife's tablet will not work right, only on certain blogs. Maybe tomorrow will be better. There is always tomorrow, or is there?

    1. Hi DD. My friend has a tablet, and there are several things that she can't do on it, that she can do on her laptop.

  10. I have had those same problems for a long time with blogs that have blogspot in their Internet address. Sometimes I can avoid them by opening another blog that is NOT blogspot and then going back and trying them again - but that does not always work. It is not a problem every day and seems to be somewhat related to how fast of a connection I might have with Verizon.

    1. Sometimes it is cured by signing into Google, who own Blogspot.

  11. Thankfully I am having no problems with Blogger.
