Friday, December 14, 2012

Just a wondering about wonders.

Wonders can be simple things or complicated and rare.  What makes a wonder a wonder?  To me, anything that I wonder about is a wonder.  We humans are wonders (some more than others).  It doesn't take much looking around to find wonders if you have an open mind.  Last night I stepped outside when I left the dogs out just before I went to bed.  The sky was so very bright with stars that it was almost unbelievable for this area.  It was a wonder!!  The humidity and haze in this area usually restricts perfect vision so when we get clear nights it is worth a look up.  I was admiring all the stars when I saw a meteor streaking across the sky.  It sure was a bright one and I felt lucky to see it in the very few minutes I was outside.  It was another wonder!!

Don't waste your life by not considering things wonders.  Life can be so much more exciting and fun if we look at things as wonders.  If you look in the right mind set, you will see wonders all around you.  Maybe it is because I am so old that I appreciate things more, but I have always seen things as wonders and it made for a much better and fuller life.  I even see the wonder in a blade of grass.  Nothing is too insignificant to be a wonder, if you look for them.  I prefer natural wonders to man made ones.  I do not believe that man can compete with the wonders of nature and the universe.  Now, you all have a wonderful day, you hear?

P.S. do you think that I used the word "wonder" enough today?


  1. I too, love the wonders of the world.

  2. I wonder if you used the word "wonder" enough.

  3. You didn't use "Wander" enough. I wonder about that. . .

  4. Trouble, it is the small wonders that seem to go un-noticed. We should try to find those.

    Jill, it is a wondered that you wondered that. . .

    Sixbears, sorry I didn't use it enough, but the "W" key was netting too hot. . .

  5. So much to look at and enjoy! The wonders all around us seem to be in my mind more and more each year!

    Now I'm wondering if that is an age thing!

  6. HJ, you may be right about the age thing, but wisdom has to play a big part, too.

  7. I wonder if you ever wonder when your prospecting did you wonder where you left the car as you wonder around the area as you wonder if you will find gold,I just wonder!

  8. Justastick, a time or two when swinging a metal detector, I lost track of exactly where I was. The desert can play tricks on you.

  9. I do look for wonders but I like to think more in-------- what are the Possibilities......
