Sunday, December 16, 2012

It is raining

"It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring", remember that children's song?  Well, it is raining and I was snoring and I am an old man.  So that song fits this morning.  It is amazing, we are past the middle of December all ready and last night didn't get below 70 degrees.  The day and night temperatures stayed almost the same.  What a difference from a couple of days ago.  The one thing I have learned about this area since I moved here is that one day we can have arctic weather and the next day we can have tropical weather. At least this time of year is not boring.

My wife got a new toy at the flea market yesterday.  I think it is called a Color Twister.  You put a round paper disk in it.  You pump a lever that makes it spin real fast and you can either put ink or thin paint on it ahead of time or while it is spinning and it gives you some unique and colorful designs.  She just loves anything pertaining to art and is really good at all types, from standard paintings to things unique.  A very talented lady, for sure.  Now you all have a wonderful day, you hear?


  1. You know what they say...growing old is mandatory, but growing up is not! Happy that the wife can still enjoy a new toy!

    Bet she could make some interesting cards with it!

  2. The old man must still have a good set of lungs, he blew the rain past the mountains into Virginia. We really need it. Tell him thanks when you see him.
    If your wife sets your dinner plate in front of you and your broccoli is swimming in your mashed potatoes and gravy and the peas are sticking to the kitchen window, then she might be finding new ways to use the color twister.

  3. It was 6 degrees this morning. It's snowing now, but there's a chance it will all turn to rain in a few days. I hope it stays snow. Just got the last of my firewood under cover.

  4. Now Jim, don't give her any ideas!!

    Sixbears, shouldn't you be in Florida by now?

  5. I probably feel the same way as your wife when I embark on a new crafting adventure.

  6. Glad it is raining in Houston. I worry about the foundation cracking with the drought and me not being there to water it.

  7. Jill, my wife's arts and crafts usually end up as useful items or plain objects made beautiful.

    MsB, a front came through last night and this morning it is clear and cool.
