Thursday, December 27, 2012

Coloring my wife's doodles.

My wife likes to doodle.  According to Wikipedia, "a doodle is an unfocused drawing made while a person's attention is otherwise occupied.  Doodles are simple drawings that can have concrete representational meaning or my just be abstract shapes."  OK, that is the definition, but what my wife does is a little beyond that.  I told you before she (and once in awhile I do too) makes cards to send every weekday to my aunt in a nursing home in Pennsylvania.  She often decorates the envelopes with what she calls doodles.  Yesterday, she got the idea to color these doodles, so she had two cards already made up with doodles all over them and gave one to me to color and kept one to color. I figured that it would only take a short time but we both spent almost all day and into the evening on this project.  Now I appreciate what she does every day a lot more since I helped out on these cards.  Here is a picture of the two cards with a typical decorated envelope:

Remember that my wife did all the doodles and I just colored one of them.  Do you want to guess which one I did and which one my wife did?  Just thought you would like to see them.  Now you all have a great day today, you hear?


  1. Gosh, no I cant tell, they are both great, and the envelope too.

  2. None of the cards she makes are simple, that is why it takes up a big part of her day.

  3. I couldn't possibly tell which one you made, but they are awfully pretty.

  4. I wouldn't exactly call that "doodl'n". Looks more like a planned project. Very nice. And you color so well.....a man of many talents.

  5. MsB, my wife drew all the doodles with a pen and I colored the bottom one with pens and my wife did the upper one.

    BB, nothing was planned, she just does things. I see you noticed that I learned to stay within the lines.

  6. I still can't color within the lines. :)

  7. Sixbears, never too late to learn. But in real life, I prefer not be confined by any lines.

  8. I think you did that one. No not that one DD, I mean that one... yes, that's it, and your wife did the other one...

  9. Have you guys ever done Zentangles? We may have discussed them before. Anyway, I need some kind of constraint or focus to my doodles and that provides it. Of course, I don't do it the 'right' way, so I'm more tangled than Zen.

    I love the cards. Your wife is talented. Uh, you too. :)

  10. I KNOW I commented here this morning,,,now it's gone! All 3 are beautiful, no matter who did em.

  11. TFT, I think you got it right, no it was the other one, or was it.

    Shadomoss, isn't that sort of what these are. I think most of the lines if not all are connected.

    Trouble, it is still there. You posted the first comment, but you are always welcome to post as often as you wish.

  12. They are simply beautiful, and what a neat ministry your wife has!
