Friday, November 23, 2012

Wondering what we eat for breakfast.

What do you all have for your breakfast?  I have been told it is the most important meal of the day.  I am not sure about that but I know it rates right up there in the top three.  Back when I was younger and lived up in the north where the winters were cold and white, I used to go hunting.  If I had a big breakfast with a lot of grease (like from bacon or sausage) I could keep warm on those cold mornings out hunting.  If I didn't eat or just had carbohydrates, I got cold real quick.  So if you want to stay warm, eat a lot of fat and grease.

Now that I live in a warm climate and don't often get to go hunting, I still think breakfast is very important and always try to have one.  I usually eat two Zone bars for breakfast and a cup of extra, extra strong Colombian Coffee.  If I want a change, I get out the Almond Butter and natural fruit jelly and spread them on crackers.  Of course I still have my coffee.  If I don't have time for breakfast, I still have my coffee even if I have to take with me in the car.  So, what did you have for breakfast this morning?  I sure hope it was a great start for a good day.


  1. Today we haven't had breakfast since we are a bit full from eating yesterday. Usually breakfast is pancakes, french toast, or omelettes with homemade bread toasted. We live where it gets torching hot at times and then we eat fruit or homemade granola, yogurt, toast, whatever doesn't get the kitchen hotter. I am sure you understand.

  2. I've gone back to being a bacon and eggs man. Sticks with me better than those carb breakfasts. Good black coffee and sometimes a bit of fruit.

    When traveling, I like to hard boil some eggs ahead of time and munch on those for breakfast.

  3. Fixing to have my waffles,,, 2 frozen ones i toast.

  4. JMD, sounds like you eat a good breakfast. My wife usually eats a salad for breakfast. . . And for lunch and for supper. Sometimes she has something different. If you put enough variety in the salads, they are balanced meals.

    Sixbears, bacon and eggs do stick to your ribs.

    Trouble, what do you put on them? I like butter and suryp but some use fruit jelly.

  5. Coffee is always the 1st order of the day, then fruit - a banana, grapes, whatever is fresh and in season. Then cereal - this morning I'm going to fix some hot oatmeal. I eat a little at a time and read a few blogs in between. I love bacon and eggs but it's just too much trouble for me to fix these days, and I don't plan on going hunting!

  6. Had a couple of left over boiled eggs that didn't get put in the dressing I made for the legion so whipped them up in to egg salad this morning. Had an egg salad, ham and cheese sandwich for breakfast. I rarely ever eat breakfast, but I guess after the turkey day meal yesterday my stomach got stretched and I was hungry this morning.

  7. I had some left over black beans and rice with cut up apples and pears.

  8. Gypsy, I love bacon and eggs, too, but my wife says bacon has too much nitrate in it, so just have eggs. I agree that good coffee is a must.

    David, I love egg salad and some times I add some extra vinegar and wind up with egg and mayo soup. . .

    Kristine, we didn't have any left.overs, I guess because we didn't have a feast yesterday.

    Anon, hey, that sounds really good. I love black beans.

  9. For the last thirty something years I've started my day with a hot drink of hot water with Cider vinegar and Manuka Honey and then a little while later I'll have three Kiwifruit,(that's about 13,000 of the little green delights packed with Vitamin C) usually with blueberries or cranberries and maybe yoghurt... if I'm doing something physical I might add eggs and tomatoes on a good toasted grainbread... Green tea features throughout the day but a good Decafe coffee that you can't tell from the real thing is a must...
    But the secret of good health is truckloads of Vitamin D... Now what's for lunch...

  10. TFT, I need to come visit you for breakfast. It is fit for a king!!

  11. I have cereal with banana. Sometimes my mother cuts up papaya (more than she would eat) and makes me eat it along with yogurt.

  12. MsB, haven't had any milk in he house and very seldom have any cereal. Do get some Rice Checks to mix into my plain yogurt with maybe a little honey.
