Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Wondering about the unexplained.

There are just so many unexplained mysteries out there that it boggles my mind.  Which should we believe and which should we dismiss as hoaxes and old tales told around campfires to scare the kids?  Some unexplained things have been going on for a long time.  Let us think about them.  How about starting with UFO's?  People have been seeing UFO's for many years.  Didn't David of the Old Testament see one?  My Aunt and Uncle who at the time, lived across the river from Foxburg, Pennsylvania saw some over 65 years ago.  I have seen things in the sky I couldn't identify.  So, by definition, anything you see flying overhead that can't be identified is an UFO, or Unidentified Flying Object.  That could be a bird, or that bright star close to the moon last night (it is Jupiter), or any other thing that you see in the sky that you don't know what it is can be put in that category.

How about "Bigfoot"?  That movie that was made of one running through the woods is probably the best proof that they do exist.  Here is a link to it:  I am sure you all remember that one.  There were a lot of stories about that creature or some like it.  Have you ever heard of Mo-Mo the Missouri monster?  Check this web site out: 

OK, I have given you a video to watch and a website about MoMo. Do you believe in UFO's and mystery monsters?  I always try to keep an open mind and not just disregard all strange stories as being false, because some of them probably are true. . . especially when told around a campfire in the wilderness at night!!!  Now you all have a great day by staying away from UFO's and monsters, you hear?


  1. I remember many years ago reading something about reincarnation and evidenced by a hypnotist who took a client back beyond her current life into a different era where her accent changed from a New York born and raised to a thick Irish brogue - my feeling since then have been that a person is a fool to condemn all things which cannot be seen to be proved - if people say they sighted a strange phenomenon - I believe them. Great post Dizzy.

    1. Have you ever read Edgar Cayce?

    2. No I haven't Trouble but the book I read was called The Search for Bridie Murphy...fascinating. I will look up that author...thank you.

  2. I have never seen a UFO,,,(what people normally refer to as being from another world) but i would LOVE to. I've read a lot about them, too. Like,,,the book written by the 2? professors who were abducted and run tests on. As for Bigfoot,,we saw one back when i was a scared of nothing teenager. (Scared me to death!)

  3. I've seen some interesting stuff in the sky. Years later, one of them turned out to be the stealth bomber. Go figure. They sometimes test fly stuff in rural, sparsely populated areas like where I live.

    It's a big and interesting universe, so anything is possible.

  4. I love the unexplained stuff! That's why I have a Monday mystery!

    Strange and wonderful is our universe!

  5. My Eva is a huge Big Foot fan. I sure hope he and ufo's a true....makes for excitment...more fun than washing dishes!

  6. Like Trouble I would love to see a UFO. I don't discount the unexplained such as the Bigfoot sightings.

  7. WandaKR, I remember that, too. That was a long time ago. I will have to do some research on it.

    Trouble, why don't you write in your blog about seeing a big foot. I, for one, would be interested in hearing about it.

    Sixbears, there is stuff out there beyond our imaginations, for sure.

    HJ, yep, I always enjoy your mysteries.

    Jill, they are alive and well around campfires at night. Always some one ready to tell stories. . . And I am one of them.

    MsB, I would think that the night sky in the desert would be the perfect place to see them if any are around.

  8. I am a believer in UFO's, seen one as a child. As for Bigfoot, sure, why not? There are a lot of mysteries in life. Makes it interesting.

  9. Sharon, I never say that anything is impossible.

  10. I believe in UFO's and Bigfoot. I can't say I'd want to see a UFO, but I'd love to see Bigfoot, and one of these days I will. I think the governments of all the major countries are keeping UFO info from the public. Their explanations are so dumb as to be funny, all those weather balloons. Do they think we are unable to figure it out?
