Saturday, November 17, 2012

Wandering to the hospital to visit a friend

A couple of days ago a friend of my wife's was admitted to the hospital.  She is our age and maybe a little older, so it is always a worry when we old folks have to go to the hospital.  We found out that the other morning, when she tried to get out of bed her legs would not work right and she couldn't walk.  It scared her husband and he called an ambulance, which in my opinion, was the correct thing to do.  After about a day in the hospital, she came down with pneumonia.  As far as I know, they haven't checked out her legs yet.  Like I have always said, a hospital is a dangerous place to be.  Who knows what else she will pick up while she is there.  In fact I must have picked up something because yesterday I started feeling bad, so we went to the local drug store and got some Airborne and I took an extra NSC 24 beta glucan and also went outside and walked briskly for a mile.  That made me feel really great.  Other than having some large dog come around barking loudly in the middle of the night, I feel good this morning.  I have to feel OK, because my wife will be wanting to leave in about an hour for the flea market.

Hope I can get a good night's sleep tonight.  Since I have been eating right and taking what I think is the right supplaments, I rarely get sick anymore, and if I do start to come down with something, I snap out of it quickly.   You all keep yourselves healthy, wealthy, and wise, you hear?


  1. I am making an extra effort to stay healthy this year. A hospital stay is too dangerous to body mind and budget.

    Hope your friend gets well soon.

  2. Pneumonia isn't contagious, but even if it was, it wouldn't have been 1 day to be exposed and then come down with it. She's lucky to have been in there when she did.
    Yall have fun today...

  3. Gotta love those flea market adventures! No yelling what you might come up with!

    Have a great day!

  4. Sixbears, I don't even like to go near one!!! If I have to be sick or die, I want to be somewhere that I like to be.

    Trouble, I wasn't worried about catshing what she had, it is hospitals that are contagious.

    HJ, we do love getting out to the market and talking to all the people. My American Native friend was there and we chatted for quite some time. He was selling his art work. Wrote a blog about awhile back.

  5. I have now found out that the lady I was talking about in the hospital has had agents put in her legs and is doing well.

  6. is dang spell checker keeps mis-spelling my words. She had stents put in her tags, not agents. It tryed to change it in this comment also but I was ready for it.

  7. There it did it again, only this time it changed legs to tags.

  8. I went to several department stores today, doing errands and a tiny bit of Christmas shopping. No telling what cooties I picked up in those places. I don't want to be sick around my one daughter over the Thanksgiving holiday because she will be having a major surgery on Dec. 4.

  9. I swear by micronized beta-glucan and vitamins. I haven't been sick for a long time. Keeping well is important!!
