Thursday, November 15, 2012

Wandering down to the road with the garbage.

Thursdays are garbage pick up days.  Those are the mornings that I get some exercise.  From my back porch down to the end of my driveway is about a quarter of a mile.  So I get an extra workout carrying two heavy garbage cans down to the road and easier walking only exercise on the way back.  It was cold this morning so I dressed up as if I were headed for Alaska.  It was in the upper 30's for awhile but the hot sun is warming it up very fast.  It is going to be a beautiful day here at "swamp crest", which is another name for a little bit of heaven (grin).  Hey, I like it here, OK?  Of course it was a lot better when I first moved here.  Now there are a lot of people who think this area is a great place to live.  Thank goodness I got 12 acres to hide on with only 60 foot of road frontage.  Makes for a more private piece of property than one which has roads running along its border.

Anyway, I had my wife take some pictures this morning for my blog and will probably use them in tomorrow's blog.  Now tomorrow is a long way off, and I don't like to plan too far ahead. . . .

The first thing I did today was read all the blogs that I follow and comment on some of them.  I feel that the bloggers I follow are like an extended family and it is great to hear what they are up to and thinking about.  Of course, when they don't blog I start to get worried.  Ben of and the Old Fool at the blog by the same name stopped blogging and never returned.  They both passed away with very little warning.  They were there one day and gone the next.  That happens to the best of us sooner or later.  But today the sun is shining and everything is right in my world.  You all have a great day today and enjoy every minute of it, you hear?  Life is too short not to.


  1. I too have been thinking about those who've left us so suddenly. Must have something to do with cold mornings.

  2. We've lost some good blogging friends this last year! The suddenness of their passing was a shock to us all, I think!

    Have a great day!

  3. Sixbears, it could be. All I know is when I look over on my favorites list, at least three of the bloggers have passed away and a couple others are just missing.

    HJ, yes it is a shock to us. Th ones tat just dissapear are the ones I keep wondering about.

  4. Beautiful day here in Deep East Texas as well-a good time to be thankful for family and old friends.

  5. That's a long way to haul your garbage by hand. I would have to invent a little cart or wagon or something. Or buy a Kabota.

  6. John, we sure have been having a lot of beautiful days. Love it.

    Jill, my wife keeps telling me to drive it down. Guess I am just too stubern, maybe I will start putting it into the back of the Jeep. Just don't like to put garbage in my car.

  7. Temperatures in the upper 30's in Houston? Oh mine...don't think I will tell my mother and my uncle that or they are not going to want to drive down with me :(

    Think I would have to drive the trash down...that is a long way to walk with two heavy bags.

  8. MsB, was beautiful today. Nice time of year to live in this area.
