Friday, November 9, 2012

Cartoons can be oh so true - and funny

Cartoons can be oh so true and yet be oh so funny at the same time.  Take this first on for instance:

Isn't that for sure; I can relate to that one.  Now I will not be 70 until next Valentines Day, so I don't put myself in the "Old" category, yet.   But the real problem of getting older is the opposite of the problem that we had when we were young.  When we were young and had a lot of life ahead of us, time seemed to go so slow, now that we are old and don't have a lot of living left, time seems to go oh so fast.

OK, here are some more words of wisdom:

Now tell me, aren't these cartoons true, don't they say it like it is?  OK, I thought you may get a chuckle out of these, I sure did.  Now you all have a great day and calm down, you hear?


  1. Both of them make perfect sense to me! I especially like the last one!

  2. Figuring out the age someone is "old" is easy. Take your age and add 15 years. Do that every year and you'll be fine.

  3. HJ, me too.

    Sixbears, I always figure "old" is one year or more older than I am (grin).

  4. Rodney Dangerfield said you know you're old when your family talks about you while you are still in the room.

  5. While I like both...I can certainly relate to the first one jajajaja :D
