Sunday, October 7, 2012

Wondering about an old saying.

I am sure that all of you have heard the saying "three sheets to the wind", but I wonder just how many of you really know where that saying originated.  Like a lot of old sayings, it came from nautical terms back in the days of the great sailing ships.  OK, Sixbears, tell us what it is, you are a sailor, I bet you know.

Since I want to get all this blog posted, I will go ahead and tell you and not wait for his answer.  First, what is a sheet in old nautical terms?  If any of you guessed that "sheets" were sails, you are wrong.  Sheets were the ropes at the bottom of the sails that tied the bottom of the sails down.   The old sailors used this nautical term to also describe the state of drunkenness that they or their buddies had got themselves into.  OK, you guessed it, there were three levels; one, two, or three sheets blowing in the wind.  The more sheets (or ties) that were blowing in the wind, the less control they had over the actions of the sail.  Kind of made sense and like Paul Harvey used to say, "now you know the rest of the story".  Now you all have a great day and keep all your sheets tied down, you hear?

Oh, by the way, it was really cool here this morning.  It got down to 52 and is not suppose to get out of the 60's today.  It was over 20 degrees warmer yesterday.  This is nice for a change.


  1. Good morning Dizzy. I know you can't keep a good story to yourself. When those sheets go flying free, it can be all kinds of chaos.

    It might get to 52 today. Cozy by the woodstove.

  2. I remember visiting 3 sheets, but didn't know the story behind it. I really miss Paul Harvey and the rest of the story, thanks for continuing the tradition, Good Day!

  3. Shiver me timbers! (now there's an expression for you to wonder about). It is 46 degrees here in Sacramento and I wish I was back between the sheets!

  4. Sixbears, stay cozy and warm by that stove instead of getting a few sheets to the wind (grin).

    Jimkabob, I, too, remember visiting but that was years ago. Also miss Paul Harvey's radio show.

    Gypsy, had to wear a light jacket and borrow one of my wife's hats that she just made knit plcking.

    Trouble, yes, it is nice for a change. We can actually go outside and walk.

  5. Cool here too. I've got a fire in the fireplace, and earlier today I had a "fire" burning out in the camper while we were showing it to some family members.

  6. Jill, You must mean you fired up the furnace in the RV. Of course I have seen some with fireplaces, but I believe they didn't actually burn anything. Except Keith's "The Flying Tortoise", he has a wood burner it.

  7. I always wondered where that saying came from, figured it was nautical, but always figured the sheet was the sail. Glad you straightened me out.
