Thursday, October 25, 2012

Wandering to Inks Lake State Park.

Got a wild hair and decided to take off for a couple of days.  Let's see, where should we go.  I know, how about Inks Lake, the place that Billy Bob, The Old Fatman, and Trouble all talk about.  In fact Trouble lives very close to here.

Well, like an idiot, I went to the "web" and planned the route.  After a day or two of loading stuff (we got lots of stuff), off we went Tuesday morning.  Well, almost 200 miles I had to admit I was not going to our planned destination and got a little mad and turned around and came home.  The RV needed some road time work out and it got it.  That part of the mission was accomplished.  I checked a real map and wrote down the route to take with a little help from the internet.  So on Wednesday, we decided to try it again.  Wow, I drove and drove and drove and finally we were about half way.  Too far to turn around so drove some more.  Now I realize that I went the long way around and am going to try a different route home.  It took all day to get here, but made it.  Here is picture looking out the front window where we are parked on spot 44:

Nice spot!!  How about a couple more pictures:

Tried to get an extra day but found out that this place is packed on weekends.  So, will head on home in the morning.

Tried to contact Trouble via email, using the one on her site, but have not heard anything back.  Would like to meet her in person, but I know that she is really busy right now with her son going in for back surgery.  My Verizon "Hot Spot" thingy I bought for traveling is working well here but my cell phone is not.  Don't understand that, I thought they both used the same towers since they are both Verizon.  Trouble, if you read this, leave a comment.  Now you all have a great day today, you hear?  I am sure going to try.


  1. Gotcha,,,and i read my email once a day,,missed it til today. But we're cool.

  2. Looks pretty nice there! Not real crowded...yet!

    Glad you got the chance to get out and about in the MH! Be safe on the road back, buddy!

  3. Trouble, still waiting.

    HJ, it is nice, would like to come back again someday.

  4. Inks lake is one of my favorites from the Hill Country. We took the canoe out there and camped and paddled for several days.

  5. I don't know what maps you tried to use on the Internet but I have had good luck using Google Maps. It will almost always try to put me on an Interstate but that is easily fixed by clicking and dragging the route where ever I want it.
    I rarely use a paper map anymore and don't use a GPS. Google Maps and notes on a 3x5 card is my routing system.

  6. Quixote Kid, I have a canoe but it may be less hassle to just rent one there.

    Ed, I did that but for the trip home I used a paper map. Stopped at the first town and purchased one.
