Friday, October 5, 2012

The aftermath of a day's trimming.

Went out early this morning and took some pictures of the aftermath of yesterday's trimming.  They are suppose to come back and do some hand trimming around my power pole where my main breaker box is located.  The sun was just coming up so the lighting isn't very good, but it is the best I could do.
 That last pole way in the back is close to where my son's house is.  Before the power company did the trimming, I could not see his house from my house.

This next picture is the same as the first one except I tried to show the top of the trees which they trimmed back.

Just throwing in another picture of the same stuff, just because I took it.

And it is always nice to end the day with some blooming wild flowers.  I have shown pictures of these before, so now you know that their blooming time is almost all the time:

I hope they come back and finish the hand trimming today.  Would like to get it all done.  I do have to say that they did an exceptional job and spent a lot of time on my place.  They even came back and picked up and ground up all the stuff that they had cut.  Now you all have a great day today, you hear?


  1. Looks great!,,And those blooming flowers are lantana, the pink,,,i have those and the orange.

  2. Got a nice cleared out road to your son's house now! Guess that means more visits, huh?

    Looks pretty good!

  3. It looks like they did a great job.

  4. Trouble, yes they are beautiful and love that they grow wild.

    HJ, yep they did a great job. As for the visits, we will see.

    Gypsy, yes they did.

  5. I'm always glad when a big job like that is done and cleaned up.

  6. Jill, I agree but they never came back to finish the hand work. I may have to do it. . . . Nah, I prefer to be lazy.

  7. The trimmings are worth it. At least not all of it. But it came out to be beautiful. Thanks for sharing. God bless.

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  8. looks good. We are racing the weather here with my studio. It's cool and light rain showers today. we are roofing the studio, I hope, this afternoon. We hope to get weather tight soon. A lot of "hopes" here, weather and DIY pitfalls. My husband has to leave on the 14th for a month of traveling for his job. so, I won't be the studio any time soon. weather tight is my goal!

  9. The wild flowers look like Lantana. We bought a bunch of it for landscaping around the house, great stuff and very drought tolerant.
