Friday, September 14, 2012

Wondering where the week went.

Dang, I can't believe it is Friday already.  Time really does seem to fly by too fast the older you get.  They tell me that the reason is when you are young your mind works really fast and time seems slower but when you get old your mind works a lot slower so time seems to speed up.  It is a relative thing.  One's perception of time (and most all things) seems to change over the years as we get older.    As for me, I am still a kid at heart.  Well, maybe not at heart but in my mind and attitude.  I must be, because my wife keeps telling me to grow up!  But I don't wanna!!!

It is not that I mind being old, it is that I can't seem to do the things I used to.  But, if I really think about it, it is my own fault.  If I would get more exercise (instead of sitting here writing a blog and reading all of yours) I bet that I would feel a lot better both mentally and physically, don't you think?  Once it cools off enough to get outside and walk, I will feel much better.  The last couple of days it has been a little cooler in the morning and I did walk.  It did get down to 70 degrees this morning but the humidity is really high.  There were some storms around us but we only got a dusting of rain.  (A dusting of rain is not quite enough to settle the dust.)  Of course I can't blame it all on the weather.  I am getting lazy.  I could get on the Gazelle or my wife's Pilates exercise machine.  Nah, I like sitting or laying on the couch with my little dog and my laptop computer or my tablet or my Sudoku puzzle books or maybe just taking a nap.  Maybe I will get something productive done today. . . or maybe I should wait until tomorrow, right?  Now you all have a great and productive day (somebody has to do the work), you hear?


  1. I'm trying to figure out what happened to August and here it is, September is half gone.

  2. Tomorrow is usually a better day to start something.

  3. Work is fascinating, I could sit and watch it for hours .

  4. Sixbears, You wait until you get my age and the years go by faster than weeks.

    Gyplsy, or next week, or next month, or. . .

    Bob, Actually I would be more relaxed if there wasn't any work going on around me. You know, like a state or national park camp ground.

  5. I've noticed also that somebody always turns up the speed on the weekends, then slows things down on Monday morning.

  6. Wow, just think how fast it'll go when we hit 80,,,DD.. hahahahah

  7. Jill, time always goes the fastest when you are enjoying yourself and real slow when you are not.

    Trouble, I am going to try to get there, but it may come quicker than I want it too. Ain't got that much more to go (either way).

  8. Funny, but I was just thinking about this very thing today!

    Scary to think of just how fast time flies anymore!

  9. HJ, great minds run in the same track (or is that rut?).
