Saturday, September 8, 2012

Wondering if it is ever going to rain.

No, there is no official drought here, it has rained plenty.  The problem is all the rain has skirted around my place.  I have seen it rain but didn't get nary a drop here.  One night there was a lot of thunder and lightning but it didn't drop as much rain here as there would have been with a heavy dew.  Most of the grass is dead or dying and even the weeds have wilted.  I cut the grass this past week and got covered with dust.  You could actually see a big cloud of dust that I kicked up.

My wife is watching QVC this morning and they are selling women's blouses that sparkle.  Dang, they must be having a problem coming up with new stuff.  OK, I must admit, those models do look good with all the sparkles twinkling at you when they even slightly move.  Kind of reminds me of Clint Eastwood when he was the neon cowboy with him and his horse all lit up.  I guess you can tell I am brain dead this morning and can't come up with a good idea for a blog.  OK, got to get ready to head off to the flea market.  I don't have any places that itch right now so guess I got to go buy me some fleas. . . have a great Saturday now, you hear!


  1. We had a Goldilocks summer here: not too hot, not too cold, not too wet, not too dry. The tourists loved it.

  2. As a rule it stops raining here (southern Oregon) about mid June and won't rain again untill mid October Then it rains untill June again almost none stop.

  3. Sixbears, that is great. Tourism is big business in your neck of the woods I would presume.

  4. dr.rock, Doesn't depend on which side of the mountains you are on? When I first moved to this area back over 30 years ago, we had a thunder storm every afternoon. Now they are few and far between.

  5. Sure has been some crazy mixed up weather around this area!

    Nothing surprises me anymore with the weather!

  6. HJ, Sure is crazy. Heck, it may even snow this year.

  7. Well it's raining like the dickins here right now. I'm hoping the neighbor's very large and dead tree doesn't come down and ruin more of our property. (Last time it took out an 8 foot section of our fence.) He doesn't seem to notice, or care, that it is an accident waiting to happen.

  8. Jill, it is cloudy today and we have had a break from the heat. Never got out of the 80's today, almost but not quite. Right now it is 79 and that is cool for this time of year.

  9. It sure rained in my side of town when I was there two weeks ago and even after I left. Hope you get some rain but not by my house...sigh...that reminds me I might have to make another trip down there :(

    Glad the temperature went down in Houston, here in Del Rio it did too was 92 instead of 102.

  10. This Sunday morning when I got up I couldn't believe the temperature. It is 58 degrees. Wow, that must have broken a record. It sure does feel good, but it will not last, that is for sure. Hope you have a great time at the cook-off.
