Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wondering about wrong turns.

Everyone has taken a wrong turn some time in their life.  I know I have taken many wrong turns; some while driving and some in the direction I took in life.  I have survived both, although there were a few close calls, but most of the wrong turns turned out to be the scenic route and I was glad that I went that way.  It seems you take more wrong turns concerning your life when you are young but more wrong turns while driving when you are older.  When I was young my wrong turns were way too many to list here.  Anyway, if I did list them it would be an invasion of my privacy and there are a few things better left unsaid.  Actually, I am not a very private person, sort of an open book you could say.

I bet everyone has taken a few wrong turns but has anyone ever driven half a state before realizing he was going west when he was suppose to be going east?  Or actually getting lost in a one horse town with only one main road.  Or taking a side street that to get the RV through we had to inhale to suck the sides in, but then the mirror  clipped something.  No damage, but my better half was not a happy camper.  One time somewhere about half way between Texas and Pennsylvania I left an over night stay by taking the wrong turn and found myself on a narrow country road that didn't seem to have any pace to turn around but just headed out through all that open farm land.  Finally I found a road that T'd into it.  By then the roads had become very narrow and it took many back-ups to get turned around.  That was back when I had a bumper pull travel trailer.  Puling a toad behind a motor-home would have been much worse.  And how about the many times you get lost in places you thought you knew?  "I was sure that is where I always turn", are some of my famous last words.  OK, I know most of you out there are perfect, but honestly, haven't you made a wrong turn a couple of times during your life?  Now stay on course and have a great day by not getting lost in life, you hear?


  1. Wrong turns are a big part of what makes life interesting. The thrill of being total turned around on the back streets of some big city or the lonely roads out in the middle of nowhere keeps us on our toes. No fun in always going from point a to point b with no detours.

  2. Mak'n turns in your life are not wrong turns. Maybe a wrong decision, but not necessarily a wrong turn. Wrong turns can be remedied by careful decisions. Some call it destiny, some call it Gods will, while others will call it "DUH!!!..I wasn't think'n". All my "wrong turns" in life have led me to where I am today. So they couldn't have all been wrong. Shoot, I could have ended up homeless, run'n round the country with no place to go.

    Now that other wrong turn is just plain ol' "no think'n involved". Whip it around the corner and hope for the best. It's a man thing.

  3. GPS saved my marriage. maps get me confused. My husband hates traffic, if we hit some while traveling he expected me to look at the map and in 3 seconds find a different route. About two weeks ago we were lost on one lane roads in farm land and woods. ( PA landscape) I just sat back, GPS was in control. We did get to where we were going, ( home made signs with Bog Hole and an arrow had me worried) not sure I could find the field outside of Saltsburg again. We were in the field to enjoy a Native American Festival. hip, hip, hooray for GPS.

  4. Bob, that is for sure. The not so used path has the best scenery.

    BB, if it were not for wrong turns I would probably have lived a completely different life. Sometimes wrong turns are worth the trip.

    Jill E, I have a GPS also got I hate arguing with that lady,s voice (grin). I bet you enjoyed that festival.

  5. About 30 years ago I worked for a furniture company. We made a wrong turn and accidently crossed into Canada. Didn't notice until we saw the road signs in French. Nobody stopped us and we found the same road back to the US. Opps.

    Climbed the wrong mountain once -in the winter. Ended up on the mountain without a shelter and had to camp in the snow.

  6. Sixbears, the first one you were lucky enough to get back across the border. The second one was not a problem for those savvy with the out of doors. Clod weather camping is a lot of fun.

  7. I read in the newspaper a couple weeks ago about a man driving his car off a ferry boat, his GPS told him to turn right, he did, right down a boat ramp into the harbor.

  8. Jimkabob, it is a wonder that that guy wasn't eliminated from the gene pool a long time ago. It is also a wonder that the sperm that fertilized the egg he came from knew enough to swim upstream. . .

  9. I guess we all make wrong turns both in traffic and in life. I would not be the person I am today if I had not taken or made the wrong turns.

    Like Billy Bob said "wrong turns can be remedied by careful decisions".

  10. MsB, The trick is to make the best out any wrong turn and it is surprising how many times it is for the best.
