Sunday, September 2, 2012

Wondering about conflicting longevity reports.

OK, here I am getting dizzy again trying to figure out which experts are right.  On one hand, I have read where the younger generation will not live as long as their parents' or grandparents' generation did. These experts give for the reason less wholesome diets (and of course the "experts" also disagree on what is a wholesome diet), insufficient exercise, pollution, new strains of viruses, and all sorts of nasty things.

Then yesterday I go to the Post Office and in my box is the new Discover magazine and on the cover one of the articles that it lists is "Immortality within a decade?".  Dang, if that is true and people start to live for a long, long time (like for ever), what would everybody eat or where would they live?  Eventually it would be so crowded we would be like sardines in a can.  Procreation would have to be outlawed.  That would really mess up everything.  I believe that we should be born, live a productive life, and die; at least the physical bodies.  Although I don't think "Immortality within a decade" is a good idea, I hope all of you will live a long, productive, and happy life, you hear?


  1. Immortality I'm not too sure about, but 600 - 700 years like those old Biblical dudes might be interesting.

  2. Sixbears, yes it would but I think I am a little late for that. I got old too soon (grin).

  3. It would sure depend on the condition i was in, like it does now. I was even thinking last nite, if i became disabled, i want to leave this world NOW.

  4. Of course, we could disagree on who the "experts" are too.

  5. Kinda like the old saying "too soon old, too late wise!"

    I wonder if wanting to live forever is really a good idea? Maybe it would be better to just be healthy for the time we are here!

  6. Trouble, Yes the quality of life is more important than the longevity.

    Jill S. I enjoy disagreeing with everyone, but you do have a point there.

    HJ, That is so true and a young person didn't come up with that saying for sure. Like I said above, the quality of life is important, but I don't want any govenment official telling me when my quality is not good enough to go on!! Quality is a relative thing.

  7. I do not think I would want to live forever.
