Monday, August 13, 2012

Wondering about three things this morning.

My first wondering is about wandering around on the moon.  Did you ever really think what it would feel like to weigh only a fraction of your weight, or to see the earth set, or to witness the barren dust, or to look at the horizon?  The last part, looking at the horizon, was a surprise to me when I was reading an article in my Astronomy magazine.  It said that someone six feet six inches (a tall person) would see the horizon 1.6 miles away because of the small diameter of the moon.  If you are shorter than that, and most of us are, it would be a lot closer.  That is something I should have known but just never thought about.  Now we all know.

My second subject is an item that I purchased at the flea market.  I like firearms but I may just donate this to some of my not so friendly "friends". (grin)  I got a laugh out of it and of course I have seen these before but thought this would be a good addition to my collection.  Here is a picture:

My third wondering or wandering was to the blog of John Well at the Field Lab.  He posted a link of him playing with the orphan calf that he is raising.  Very cute.  Here is a link to the video: 

Now I hope you learned something, laughed at something, and had an awe moment with my three different wonderings.  So have a great day now, you hear?


  1. John better enjoy these games now, six months from now the calf will kick his rear all over the place. He even thinks he is gonna rope it when it gets older. Can't wait to see who drags who. Hope he is not teaching it that people are just play things, when he gets bigger that could get dangerous.

  2. I didn't see any "game" there, all i saw was him shoving the calf around with his head, and the calf not participating.

  3. Sometimes we all have to become a kid again to enjoy simple pleasures, like getting down and playing with a calf, etc.

  4. I couldn't see any pictures, so I cant comment on that. I would never want to go walk on the moon - prefer good old terra firma, although I like to look at the moon and know more about it.

  5. Gypsy, did my picture not show up? It does when I look at it. I wonder if others couldn't see the picture either. Let me know.

  6. DD, I have trouble with everyone's blog. Some pics I see and many I don't. I don't have a clue how to do anything about it so I just read on.

  7. Gypsy, that is too bad. You miss a lot when you can't see the pictures on blogs.

  8. Hi DD, I wonder how many Aggies it would take to load that gun!!

    The calf is lovely, and I saw a video of his cow Benita, too. I hope he isn't raising it to eat it?
    Happy Tails, and Trails, Penny.

  9. Penny, when I lived in Pennsylvania the jokes were Polock jokes instead of A ie jokes.

  10. Dizzy I have never been able to see your header picture, all I see is a red X. On this post I do see the odd gun you took a picture off...hope you don't give it to me :D

  11. MsB, I don't have a header picture.
