Friday, July 27, 2012

Wondering about wild grapes

I noticed the wild grapes are getting ripe around my place.  I am not positive but I think they are Mustang Grapes.  They are quite large and very sweet when ripe.  The birds and wild animals love them as do I.  For some reason when you walk by a vine, pick a couple, and eat them right there, they seem to taste the best.  Maybe it is just like when the food always tastes the better cooked on an open camp fire.  I took a few pictures yesterday to show you.  Here is one:

And an other showing more of them:

This one is with my hand holding them to give you an idea of the size of the grapes:

And finally, I stepped back and took a picture showing more of them:

I have to keep cutting back the ones that grow near my house.  They keep trying to encroach on my deck and steps.  I hate to keep cutting them, but have to do it or they will take over and we and my home may never be found again.  So, if I miss writing too many blogs without letting you know what I am up to, maybe you better organize a searching party and bring machetes and chain saws before it is too late (grin).  I guess I will just have to wander back out there and eat some of those big fat ripe ones before the wildlife gets them all.  In the mean time, you all have yourselves a very sweet day now, you hear?


  1. Yum Yum! Sadly, our wild grapes are small and bitter. Not much use for them.

  2. When I lived in Pennsylvania, they were small and bitter but I was told they made good jelly if sweetened enough.

  3. Wow, those grapes are huge. Never seen wild grapes that big before. Sure wish there were some here because they would become wine.

  4. If you want any you would have to hurry, the birds are pretty fast. I wonder, do the squirrels eat them, too?

  5. I think the ones around here are small, green, and never sweet. You would never pluck and eat em.

  6. Dizz the leaf does not look like a Mustang leaf I think the mustang is a little darker.If it was a mustang the leaf would be dark green on top an gray underside bothe sides would be fuzzy.

  7. Trouble, these are big and sweet.

    Ted, if that isn't what they are, then I have no idea what they are other than wild and grow all over my place. They don't grow in a big bunch like tame grapes. Do you know what they are.

  8. Those little beauties look good enough to eat... please Fedex me some asap...

  9. About two years ago we cut down a lot of wild grape vines around my house, they were covering trees and shading them out. the grapes were small and sour...don't miss them. This year we have had little rain so all the berries were small and bitter. This week is rain week..big storms, the kind that take out trees and powerlines. Finally something for the news paper to write about!

  10. TFT, yep, they are good. The skins are tough but really sweet. I just chew them up an spot out what is left.

    Jill, those wild grapes that grow up there are not very tasty, I know. Now the wild rose hips that I used to find in the woods in your area were very good. Hope you didn't have any damage from the storms.

  11. Dizz I do not know but looks more like a concord grape to me.

  12. Ted, Yes they do look like concord, but when I lived in Pennsylvania as a kid we had concord grapes and they had huge pods of grapes but each grape was about that size.
