Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Wondering about experts.

Experts are everywhere.  They are dedicated people that have spent their whole lives studying one subject.  This subject could be the study of just one species, or just one elusive reaction in chemistry or physics, or a search for answers in almost any subject.  Without these dedicated experts, we could still be in the dark ages.  Of course there are other kinds of experts; the kind that just think that they are “experts” and some others who pretend to be to get attention.  I am far from being an expert in any field and the older I get the further I get from being an expert at anything except maybe being a curmudgeon.   If I practice enough, maybe I can get that right, but just don’t tell me how to do it, dang it!!  OK, back on the subject.  One day someone called me an expert at something [which I was, by the way (grin)].  I told them that is not a compliment.  They asked, “Why wasn’t it?”  So I had to tell them.  First, you have to break the work down into two sections.  The first section is “EX” and that means “past”.  The next section sounds like “SPURT”, and that is “a drip under pressure”.  I didn’t want to be “a past drip under pressure”.  I have also heard that it could be a guy with a suitcase a long way from home.  Either way, these definitions are not all that charming.  But who cares, I know I am an expert at almost everything (grin) and that is what counts.  Now you all go out and practice being experts for the rest of the week and of course have a good day today, you hear?  BTW, I am heading for eight hundred, because today is my seven hundred and first blog posting.


  1. As for myself, I'm a generalist. The world is too big and interesting to focus on just one thing.

  2. OOO Mercy...Font's doing it again,,,lolololol.
    I'm getting to be an expert on fly swatting,,even got a couple left handed.

  3. Sixbears, I am kind of a Jack of all trades myself. But not as much anymore.

    Trouble, I have been fighting those fonts. When I use the desk top it works fine but when I use the lap-top it doesn't. I usually don't turn on the big desk top. Good work on the left handed ones.

  4. When you talk about expert I think beauty is in the eyes of the beholder.I am an expert of reason,Reason is the capacity human beings have to make sense of things, to establish and verify facts, and to change or justify practices, institutions, and beliefs.I do not mean I'm smart!

  5. Ted, you are sure right about beauty being in the eye of he beholder.

  6. I can't be an expert on anything since I don't stay on one subject for long. as for woman and shoes, can never have enough. I have all the shoes I want and my husband has his tools..thats our deal. I often buy two pairs at a time like your wife.

  7. Jill, my wife will be glad to know that she is not alone when it comes to shoes. And I am like you and like to diversify. I am interested in too many things.

    TFT, I sure will try to keep spurting. Although sometimes it is more like spitting up (grin).
