Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Wondering about Christmas in July.

I have heard about Christmas in July many times but just never gave it any thought.  Then yesterday morning I actually thought that Santa had come and dropped off my present here in July or just did so a few months early to make sure he had time to make all his rounds.  He is getting older you know.  Either way I was really excited.  You see it is like this.  I walked outside and this is what I saw:

Then I realized that my Son had asked me one time if he could park his Harley up here at my house when he was away since he was having trouble with intruders and he had other stuff in the storage shed and the bike wouldn’t fit in there at this time.  Of course I said OK.

I thought that I heard a motorcycle when I was writing my blog yesterday morning but didn’t give it much thought since my son usually rides one to work.  So I didn’t even look up at the monitor for my security cameras but just kept on typing away on my laptop.  It just so happened that where he parked it was right between the field of view of two of my cameras.  So later when I walked outside I saw the bike.  Nah, I didn’t believe that Santa had brought it for me, especially since there were no keys in the ignition; dang it!!  I then slightly adjusted the one camera so that I could keep an eye on it.

I unloaded the mower that I bought the other day and took it out of the box and got it all assembled, put oil in it, and was going to gas it up when I read where you are supposed to use unleaded fuel only.  Where the heck do you get unleaded fuel?  Years ago when I lived up in Pennsylvania Amaco had white gas as their premium.  So I just dumped some of the gas I had in the can into it (it looked almost white-grin) and it ran.  Where do you get “white” gasoline here in Texas?  After I got it together and all the fluids in it, I fired it up.  It started on the first pull and it was then that I realized I had bought a self-propelled model.  I didn’t want a self-propelled model but I guess it will be OK.  I got the dog’s yard cut and then it started to look like rain and my wife said that I should cover our Son’s bike and the new mower.  I told her that rain would not hurt either the bike or the mower, but guess what?  Yep, they are covered with a tarp, both of them.  Now you all have a great day and I hope Santa brings you a nice surprise, you hear?


  1. That would be a great gift, Diz. We could ride together. I would like that!!

  2. Unleaded gas? Any gas station. All gas is unleaded. Leaded gas packs up a catalytic converter. It was believed that running unleaded gas in an engine that was made for leaded gas would junk the engine but that proved to pretty much be untrue. Airports may still have low lead but since I retired I don't keep track of it.
    I wouldn't use white gas but it is available at Walmart or any camping store in gallon cans. Pretty expensive. I keep it on hand for my emergency stove and lantern. I recently bought a new can because the old one rusted through and evaporated away. I believe it was about five bucks.
    Don't knock self propelled mowers. It will still give you plenty of exercise and is a lot easier on old bodies. I understand you are not getting any younger.

  3. I hate self propelled mowers, they all want to walk faster than I want to or can walk. thanks to arthritis in both knees

  4. Michael, I used to have one way back in the '60s but my wife says NO. When my son was in the service and went to Germany I rode his bike when he was gone, you know, just to keep it in shape. Of course I figured it needed rode multiple times daily.

  5. Oldfool, thanks on straightening me out on that. I thought the gas looked clearer than it used to, but if it sits long enough it starts changing colors (grin).

    Bob, I agree, this one goes a lot faster than I want to walk. Of course I am getting real lazy in my later years.

  6. After going to garage sales in Kerrville one time with my g/dotter, her exact words,,,Christmas in July! lololol.
    No comment on font,,,hehehehe.

  7. Finding one of those in my yard -with th keys, would have made me a beliver in Christmas in July.

  8. Trouble, what ever I do I can not make the fonts look the same as the first paragraph. Are any of you out there having that problem? I do write it in Word first and copy/paste to blogger.

    Sizbears, you are so right. But I should have known it was too good to be true. Anything that seems too good to be true usually isn't true.

  9. I think you should at least post a picture of you sitting on the bike! Maybe then you could have it made into a t-shirt!

    Either way, it would make for a fun post, I reckon!

  10. HJ, I may just have to do that. I could put some real thick grease in my hair and comb it straight back and it would look like I was going down the road (grin).

  11. I wouldn't be able to use anything but a self-propelled mower. There is a big difference, and it's a good one, in my opinion.

  12. I just will have to adapt to it. The trouble is the short tight spaces I need to get it into.

    1. I sold my Toro back in 2008 so can't remember exactly, but I think I could run it "regular" or switch to "self-propelled" when I needed it. I could be wrong though - you know how memory gets the closer you get to being elderly!

    2. Thanks Gypsy, I will check on that. Don't think this one will do that, but it has a lever on it to engage the drive wheels. If you don't pull the lever, you can just push it like my old standard type but it is a lot heavier and harder to push. Dumb me, didn't take the time in the store to check the mowers out and they only had a couple of models anyway. Sometimes you get the bear and sometimes the bear gets you.
