Monday, July 30, 2012

Wondering about "book review" blog postings.

I got spammed yesterday with 30 blog postings showing up on my Blogger Dashboard.  Each one was from "roy at Book Review".  I have never heard of his blog and he is not listed in my favorites.  So how did all these blog postings show up on my dashboard?  I looked into it a little bit further.  I clicked on the highlighted part of "roy at Book Review" (which was the "Book Review" part) and it took me to his site which gave an in depth review of the book.  But what caught my attention was up at the top where it shows you what site you are on, it said I was on "".  That site is or was Frann Brother's site who was building a sand bag house near Terrilingua.  It appears that she stopped blogging and some spammer is now using her site and getting listed on the dashboard of all those who used to read her blog; or she got a new part time job (grin).

Now tell me, what good is it doing this Roy fellow to flood a site with book reviews?  Is he getting paid a certain amount for each review he posts?  So far, I haven't detected anything else devious that it has done other than to have filled up a large part of my dashboard.  This is the second time I have received spam from a blog site that is idle or abandoned.  It seems these spammers search for sites that have not been used for awhile and take them over.  I guess I must live a protected life, because I have no idea what so ever would make a person want to do that if it were not for some monetary reason.  If it were out of meanness, he would have put something nasty in it.  If he wanted to get attention; well he got it out of me.  Hope I didn't make his day but I want all you out there to have a great day, you hear?


  1. I get spam comments periodically that consists of about a paragraph saying "you make an interesting point" and some other fluff, and then giving a link to click on. I guess it's that link that makes them money - for every click. Blogger usually catches it. As for why the spammers do it ?????

  2. I review all new comments on older posts. 90% of the time they are spam. It's like Gypsy said.

    Authors are desperate for book reviews so my guess is this guy is getting paid and claims to carry a certain amount of traffic.

  3. I got the same spam from 'roy'. At first, I thought Fran had started her posting, again. I was interested because I wanted to see her house. Weird.

  4. Gypsy, yep, they also do it on the comments (which I delete). This guy just listed his site 30 times on my Blogger Dashboard.

    Sixbears, he has I flared his traffic stats by posting 30 times. I will just ignore him.

  5. Michael, I, too, am wondering about Fran. Some day I will go back down there and maybe I can find out.

  6. Don't guess i've ever gotten any spam. Just in mail. And those filters sure don't work much, or not at all.

  7. Trouble, I love spam but can't eat it any more, it is too high in salt.

  8. Getting harder and harder to filter out all the spam comments.

    I have some nasty ways of dealing with them, but I better not say it in public, ya know? Might get the "spam cops" after me!

  9. HJ, nothing could be too bad for them.

  10. If you are reading this you do not spam blocker turned on in the settings section of blogger.

  11. I was a blogger follower of Frann before she deleted her blog but luckily I have not been spammed by this guy.

    Frann still posts on my blog once in a while. She is working in Houston so she can get enough $$$$ to finish the roof on her house. I am going to meet up with her at the chili cook-off this year.

  12. Barney, thanks for letting me know. I will leave it like this for ease of access by all you readers.

    MsB, thanks for that information. I always get worried when a blogger just stops blogging without letting us know they are going to stop for awhile.
