Monday, July 23, 2012

OK, it's Monday, so what?

For those of us who are retired or semi-retired, Monday is just another day except the flea market is not open.  So, like I do most every day, I started thinking of places to go and places I have been.  Having a means of camping whether it be a tent and sleeping bag or a diesel pusher motor home, we all can get to see the same scenery.  Actually, the people with the tents and sleeping bags get to see places and things the others could only dream of.  Just ask someone like Gypsy who has hiked the Appalachian Trail.

One of the places that I thought very scenic, was the drive from Apache Junction to Tortilla Flatts in Arizona.  Along the way you drive by Canyon Lake.  Up until that time, I thought Arizona was nothing but mountains and desert.  Where the heck did all this water come from and isn't it absolutely beautiful?  Here are a couple of pictures I took when there:

This is no small lake.  At the far end there is a huge marina with some very large boats.  I have no idea how they got those huge boats in there, since the only road to the area is narrow and very windy with sharp turns and steep drop-offs.  Arizona has a lot of different scenes.  If you get tired of the flat desert, go to the mountains.  If you get tired of the desolation, go to a big city.  If you get tired of the arid, parched land, go to the lakes.  If you get tired of all the sights, go dig for gold.  OK, now I want to go to Arizona.  Think that I will wait until cooler weather.  The Gold Prospectors Association of America have two "common digs" at their site which is the old ghost town of Stanton.  I have been there twice, once at the outing held at the end of the year and once ant the one held around Easter time.  I enjoyed both times and really want to get back there again.  The people are so friendly and it is so much fun sitting around and talking with people who have the same interest.  And of course, a side benefit is the gold you get.  Now have a golden day, you hear?


  1. Sure would like to see some pics of "recent" trips. I ain't one to be harp'n on somebody bout get'n off'n their buttocks and do'n something......but....
    Ya ain't get'n no younger Dizzy. Ya ain't gonna be able to do stuff ya did a few years ago. There's health issues. There's "get'n old" issues. There's "blister butt" issues. I know what I'm talk'n bout....ya gotta load up that big ol' motorhome and go before it's too late. Did ya see that big ol' bass in that lake???

  2. Hey Diz, BB is absolutely right. Fire up those engines and get moving!

  3. It is not that I don't want to go, but there are things that are not allowing me to go right now. Made I can get some short trips in soon.

  4. excuses excuses excuses!!
    Listen to the above. As you age, it gets worse...

  5. Sure is a pretty place, without a doubt!

    I'd like to spend a few days on that lake myself!

  6. Trouble, Oh I know. BTW, I believe that you and me must be about the same age although you look a lot younger.

    HJ, I was there in the month of March and all the wild flowers were in bloom. There is a state park close to it. Maybe some day I can get back there.

  7. That is beautiful scenery!

    I have to agree with Billy Bob, get out there while you can still enjoy it plus you have the luxury of a fancy motorhome.

    I am just a couple of years younger than you are and I am starting to see that there are a lot of things I can no longer do especially with my bad back.

    I dread the day that I will not be able to go camping because I can no longer pitch a tent. Wish I could get my camping van going again but lack of $$$$ keep me from getting a rebuilt transmission.

  8. MsB, sure hope you get camping as soon as you can. I will try to get out somewhere soon.
