Saturday, July 7, 2012

It looks like things are looking up.

My wife seems to be getting better.  She has taken charge of her own recovery and since then she has felt a lot better.  To refresh your memory, she had a couple of cracked ribs and torn cartilage where they attach to the vertebrae with possible hairline cracks in the vertebrae.  The MD told her it would take 10 to 12 weeks for it to heal and that there was nothing he could do for it except give her pain pills, which she refused.  She decided to take matters into her own hands and we went to a health food store and she purchased some strontium which she takes in the morning and liquid calcium with D3 in it that she takes at night.  They should not be taken together at the same time.  Strontium strengthens thinning bones, which my wife has.  It should only be taken if you know you have bone loss, which the X-rays of her back revealed.  She also found one of those stretchable wraps that you wrap around your lower back for support and that has also helped her a lot.  So, the really great news is that last night she attempted to get into the RV.  She succeeded; this is the first time she has been able to get up five steps up into the RV since she has been injured.  It wasn’t easy and it wasn’t without some pain, but she made it.  Now, if she doesn’t overdo it, she can only get better and maybe we can get the RV out and burn some of that old diesel that I bought the first night I brought it home.  Yes, we did take it out a few times, once to meet with Sixbears when he was visiting his in-laws in East Texas, once to a local RV park to try it out, and of course a few times I took it for maintenance, repairs and new tires.  It has a hundred gallon tank and I still have half a tank left.  Of course I purchased that 100 gallons back when diesel was $4.00 per gallon.  Well, I just thought you would like to hear the good news about my wife’s recovery and I hope you all have a great day now, you hear?


  1. That is really good to hear. I was ready for some good news today. Thanks for sharing. Now get out there and burn up the rest of your diesel investment. Prices are down around here right now. Hope you see the same there. We will be praying for your wife and you.

  2. Russ, glad I had good news to share. Diesel is now down to $3.40 per gallon and dropping. Prayers are always apprecieated and needed.

  3. Dizzy,I had been sorta taking a break from blogging.So I was unaware of your Mrs troubles,I am very happy she is recovering nicely. Sounds like a smart tough lady. I will include you all in my prayers! Best wishes Buddy!


  4. Sure glad to hear the Mrs is getting better. And,,that yall might get back on the road soon.

  5. That is good news. Just goes to show that we have take charge of our own health.

  6. I'm so glad your wife is on the mend, and that she is doing it without enriching the mega drug companies.

  7. China, thanks for stopping and glad you are back in the blogging world. Like I said above, prayers are always appreciated.

    Trouble, me too!!!

    Sixbears, we usually do, but there are some things you need a little help with.

    Gypsy, we both hate to take "drugs" but I am on blood pressure medicine and she is on Armor thyroid meds. I guess you could call Armor natural, but you still need a prescription to get it.

  8. Remember that old sells technique.(If your not satisfied bring it back an get a full refund with in 30 days.)I think that diesel come with a full money back guarantee.I lie a lot

  9. Ted, it doesn't matter, it has been 6 months since I filled it up.

  10. I'm glad she is feeling better. It is no fun to be in pain.

  11. Shadowmoss, thanks and we are both glad, believe me.

  12. All right now you can start planning a getaway. Congratulations.

  13. I have been planning trips all the time, but most have not come about as of yet. My wife has some other health problems that may dictate the travel sckedule. But I am sure we can get some shorter ones worked in.
