Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Wondering how long the fixing will take.

I have an appointment to take my motor-home in for some more fixes.  This time there are two major things that need to be done.  The first is to replace the bent tube for my main awning.  It comes in with a new awning attached so will have both replaced.  The second thing getting fixed (I hope) is the driver’s side power window.  There is no door next to the driver’s seat so in case I have to go through a toll booth, I would have to get up and go out the door on the passenger side and walk around and pay the toll.  It would simplify other things, also.  After this is done, there are only a couple of other things that I want to do to it, but for now, this will be enough to start using it a lot more, I hope.  I still do not have dash air conditioning, but that is no problem it doesn’t keep the bus cool so I run the generator and the two main AC units when going on down the road.  I hope I get it back quickly so I can go somewhere.  It doesn’t have to be a long trip, but want to get out and enjoy it some.  We love State Parks but some of them of a limit of 36 feet for a unit but I have been in some that have way big enough spaces for this unit.

Will, not I have to go unplug the RV from shore power, fire it up and mover it up the driveway a ways so that I can get the Jeep turned around and hooked up behind it.  That will give me a way of getting back home.  Maybe I will just think of this as a very short outing (grin).  It seems that all the mileage I have been putting on it is from going back and forth from tire sales places and repair shops. That's what you got to do when you buy a used RV and are not as talented at fix'n things like ole Billy Bob is.

We had a good rain here yesterday and a chance of ore today.  It is quite different around here this year than it was last summer when there was no rain.  Now, you all have a great day, you hear?


  1. I'm beginning to understand why they call those things Land Yachts. A big Fiberglass Box on Wheels that you pour money into. :-) Just like a big boat except yours don't float.

  2. Funny what we'll do just to get out of the house every now and then. A few weeks ago my oldest daughter wanted to go for a walk and pick up aluminum cans from the side of the road. I, on the other hand, wanted an excuse to take the Orange Jeep out for a spin.

    We compromised and I drove her down the side of the street at 3 miles per hour. Every time she saw a can, she'd holler. I'd stop, she'd hop out and grab it and off again we'd go.

    That's what I call a win-win situation ;-)

  3. Ben, my Mobile Scout travel trailer was not to bad, just bought things for it that made it easier on us. Then we got the class-C and it took a little more money poured into it to get things like we wanted but in all, it was a good unit and gave us very little trouble, but then we got the bus, and it has been eating up all my money.

    Orange Jeep Dad, my Jeep is khaki colored but I love it. I have always tried to have a four-wheel dive vehicle around all the time. Bought my first one back 40 years or so ago and have had one almost ever since.

    Trouble, I am really ready to go somewhere, anywhere, just go. . . Don't know when I will get the RV back. Hope this week but don't know.
