Saturday, June 2, 2012

Wondering about stats.

We were watching a couple of TV shows last night when it got to be time for the evening news.  But, for some reason neither my wife nor I switched the channel.  Then we noticed a show that we had never watched before.  It was called “The United Stats of America”.  I was busy checking blogs, comments, and emails and was only half paying attention, but what did sink in was interesting.  They were talking about the heights and weights of Americans compared to the rest of the world over the two hundred plus years that the USA existed.  Seems that during the Revolutionary War we were the tallest of any nation in the world.  That distinction was held for quite a few years but it is not so any more.  Our average height has dropped and is dropping.  But now, we are on the top of the top ten fattest countries.  What we lost in height we put on in girth.  I guess if you can’t have one might as well have the other.  Both of these extremes are the result of diet but will now bore you with details.

Did you know who was the fattest president?  This president was 330 pounds and one time got stuck in the White House bath tub.  It took six men to pull put on in girth.  I guess if you can’t have one might as well have the other.  Both of these extremes are the result of diet but will now bore you with details.him out.  And guess what?  They immediately installed a much larger bathtub; one that at least four men could fit into.  That solved the problem of the president getting stuck.  Oh yes, It was the 27th president, William Taft who was so fat.  Now, I know you couldn’t get through the day or your next meal without that information.  You all have a great day today and don’t eat too much, you hear?


  1. 330 pounds is a bit more than "big bones". I try to refrain from mentioning "fat", but it is really way out of hand in America. I don't know that I would blame it on diet, but more on "pig'n out". I had a sister-in-law what would eat two great big ol' heaping plates of food 3 times a day. But naturally, she was "big boned", not fat.
    People tend to blame their fatness on Mc Donalds, Burger King....places like that, but have ya ever watch "large" people when they order at these places?
    Ok....I shut up now!!!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Sorry BB, my fingers got all mixed up. Will try again. I used to be 5'-11" but have shrunk a bit and weigh 175 pounds. I feel my best at 165 pounds so should loose 10 more pounds. When I go from 175 to 180 pounds, my blood pressure goes up 20 points or so. I have small bones, dang it.

  2. NOW you tell me,,after i just ate waffles,,,

    1. Trouble, better after than before. Not as much guilt that way (grin).

  3. The Population in the US is getting fatter and the only excuse is individuals eating too much of the wrong crap.. We don't need no government agency to force us to eat right.

    And I know the height of the American public is shrinking,when we graduated HS in the mid '60s most of us were over 6 foot by several inches. That ain't true now..
    Too much interbreeding between the races maybe" :-)

    And don't you believe the myth about people having big bones.. Ain't no such thing. Jeeze...

    1. Actually Ben there IS such a thing as big boned and small boned people. Google is your friend.

    2. Yea, the fat people have bigger bones cause they are FAT.

      "This finding is sure to give validation to those who have forever claimed that their weight is because of their larger bones. That of course is true, as the skeleton can be quite heavy, and determines much of your weight. However, we must realize that the increase in bone (femur) size is in response to the weight of the individual, and not a factor that simply made them larger."

  4. Just to let you know, i set my vcr to record Hatfields and McCoys today, all 3.

  5. There's some thought that in Colonial days we had good nutrition because the natives took such good care of the land. As we took and took without giving back to the land, the food isn't as good for us.

  6. Ben, the big problem is super sizing or just plain eating way too much.
    Oh I don't know about big and small bones. The distance around my wrist is smaller than a lot of peoples'.

    Trouble, it was a good series, but a little on the bloody side.

    Sixbears, I beleive that it could be correct. We humans seem to ruin everything we touch. I pitty this beautiful planet Earth.
